
A Blog About the Birth of a Blog.

My blogging began in my senior year of high school. I kept up with it for about a year until my short attention span got the better of me and I started making myself busy with other things (drinking, reading, more drinking, movie watching, school, more drinking, etc.) so I stopped blogging for a good 4 years.

In November 2011, it was suggested by a friend that I start one up because I have a ton of random stories and apparently I'm funny (According to other people. I don't think I'm that funny.) and this way my friends as well as random strangers over the internet would be able to get a small peek into the robotic machinery known as my brain.

So I thought "why not just delete all the old posts and re-do the whole site so I don't have to start it over again?" but when I attempted to do so, I ran into a bit of a problem. Over the years I had stopped using the email address that I had registered the original blog with because A) it was retarded and B) I forgot the password to said blog account as well as the email account's password. So instead, I started up another one. I wrote two drafts (still in my drafts folder) and never officially published them. In between work, school, and my super popular social status, I never found the time to edit and post them. After a few months of resistance and lack of motivation to actually follow through with this thing (and because Netflix has decided to hate me today), I've decided that it's about time I actually start doing something somewhat productive. So, here I am, internet. I'm not sure where I'm going to go with this but if I can keep up with it maybe something will come out of it. I'm thinking it'll be a combination of "Drunxican Tales" as I like to call them and the random shit that pops into my cerebral cortex. 

With any luck and some actual motivation, I will post at least a few times a week (Bruins', I expect you to nag the shit out of me about this until I start posting out of habit) so all of my 2 readers will know about my life and have a more efficient way of stalking me. As for the two drafts I had previously written, I might post one of them eventually. We'll see what happens. Stay tuned, nignogs.

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