
Why I Hate Election Time

I didn't even bother coming up with a witty title for this one. This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. Not really, but it something that's irritating to me and a vast majority of the sane people in my life. Shortest intro to a topic ever. 

1. People complaining that non-voters have no right to complain

Okay let's be real here. Our economy is shit regardless of who is in office. If you're American, you automatically have the right to complain about whatever the fuck you want. Take me for example, if I want to complain about elections then I'm going to complain about elections. Who's stopping me? No one. With this particular presidential election it's essentially a coin toss between living the next four years in a slow decline or Mormon's finally making a name for themselves other than cultists with a thousand children from different baby mamas. Either way, we're fucked. 

2. Religion and politics

They're supposed to be two separate things but no matter how you look at it they go hand in hand. However religious leaders passing out pamphlets telling their congregations how to vote? That's like saying "you have two flavors of ice cream to choose from little Jimmy, but rainbow sherbet makes your mouth colorful so pick vanilla". People have the right to their own opinions regardless of their religious beliefs so stop trying to spin your beliefs in a way that will influence the uninformed without giving them an unbiased opinion. 

3. People who only discuss politics when the elections are near

Really? You don't really watch the news or read the newspaper so why do you suddenly decide to talk about politics in November? We all know that you don't talk about politics at any other time so why make it seem like you care now? If you truly cared about what goes on in the political world then it would come out in your everyday conversations on a normal basis. You're not fooling anyone. I don't generally enter political discussions because I genuinely don't give a shit. 

4. Voting day

It's today. Facebook and every other social media outlet has been blowing up with "If you don't vote, you'll die tomorrow" and  "I voted, did you?" and "#teamwhateverthefuck". It's all we hear about for a 24 hour period. Guess what? NO ONE CARES! Election day is the one day every four years where a large part of the American population all do the exact same thing in the same day so why do you need to alert the media? If it's really that important to know that you did something that someone else is doing, then I'm going to start tweeting every time I take a shit.  Another thing no one cares about is your Instagram and Facebook voting photos. Way to jump on the bandwagon---you took the exact same picture that everyone else has! WOOOO YOU'RE SO COOL NOW! The only reason why I want to sport a sticker around today is because my favorite local bar is giving out a free drink to anyone with a voting sticker.

If you are one of those people that I have touched on in this post, I'm not sorry for offending you. You should know that even if I like you as a person, I really don't give a shit that you voted today. And neither do your other 400 Facebook friends. No one is going to succumb to your voting peer pressure so stop being an annoying pain in the ass.

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