
A Day in the Life (Part 1)

OK. Don't hate me. This isn't the music review. I know, I suck. I ended up going out the night after my last post so I haven't gotten a chance to clean it up. What you're reading now is something completely new. Last night, my friends and I were at Starbucks studying for our finals. During a procrastination break, Kate decided that she wanted to follow me around for a day. She wanted to know what I do when I'm not with her, her sister Sarah, at work, drinking, or on the internet. Essentially she wanted to know what my weekdays were like. I'm going to be honest with you---I'm not that exciting. The status' I post on Bookface are merely the highlights of my day. Ideas were tossed around that she would follow me around pretending to be a foreign exchange student but the more I thought about it the more I realized that having her follow me for a day would just be just us hanging out. So last night, I decided to document my every move. Well, almost my every move. Today was a particularly boring day, I didn't have too much interaction due to a severe lack of sleep and grumpiness so I decided to spread this into a three day segment. And because tomorrow and Thursday are (in theory) filled with super exciting plans, I have decided that I would share those days with you too. So without further ado, here's the first day of my last three days the Fall 2012 semester. 

*disclaimer: The app I'm using has an online counterpart to it so I'm just copy and pasting it verbatim from what I had typed out on my phone all day. There's no way in hell that I'm re-typing all of that shit out.*

12:08 AM: Answer phone because Lam is calling. He asks about my plans to sell my blood on Thursday. 
12:20: Leave Kate and Sarah's apartment. Talk to Aiyana about shoe sizes for a few minutes.
12:26: Call Kathleen and talk on my way home
12:40: Arrive home. Continue talking to Kathleen while doing the dishes. She's mad because I kept a secret from her. 
12:45: Eat a snowman cupcake
12:50: Boot up computer, start editing Kathleen's paper on Google docs, hang up phone.
12:54: Call Kathleen back to tell her to change her sharing preferences on Google docs. Hang up phone.
12:55 Begin editing paper while watching HIMYM
2:20: Finish editing. Call Kathleen. She says she'll call me back. 
2:22: Log onto amazon to buy her Christmas present
2:27: She calls me back. Shes added more to the paper and changed the edits I made. 
3:07: Finish 2nd edit. Call Kathleen. 
3:10: Set 4 alarms
3:15: Lay down and download notepad app
3:25: Bathroom 
3:27: Back to bed
3:39: Finish updating notepad for the night
3:45: Play flow free.
Undetermined time: Sleeps.
7:40: Wake up. Fuck life. Reset alarm for 8.
8:15: Wake up. Check Facebook. Poke Jessica. 
8:17: Showertime
8:37: Exit shower
8:43: Make dinosaur egg oatmeal
8:44: Pour orange juice. My throat's been hurting lately so I put some Emergen-C in it. It tastes like shit with water.
8:45: Didn't put enough water in oatmeal. Put more and reheat for 30 seconds. 
8:46: Eat oatmeal. 
8:46: Burn mouth on oatmeal. Drink OJ.
8:47: Fuck up notepad app. Delete a bunch of shit on accident.
8:47: Answer dumb questions from mom
8:49: Retype everything from 8:17 to now
8:57: Finish oatmeal
8:57: Check instagram. Silently judge everyone. Especially lexxamack. She a ho.
8:58: Discuss issues with mom about upcoming family vacation
9:01: Put on contacts
9:02: Plug in phone. Blow dry hair.
9:09: Finish hair. Brush teeth.
9:12: Clothes have been in dryer for 4 days. Dgaf. Get articles of clothing that I need right now.
9:15: Get dressed
9:25: Get two Rockstars from the fridge. Put in backpack
9:27: Leave house. Say hi to Richard's mom as she walks the dog 
9:28: Get in truck and go.
9:30: Answer Kathleen's text while driving. Suck on that, cop car in front of me.
9:32: Park at Vons
9:34: Find cake for Sam
9:35: Ask bakery clerk to write Happy Birthday Sam on the cake. He better fucking go to class today.
9:37: Get Christmas cookies 
9:38: Text Kate to tell her I'm documenting my life for 3 days because of her desire to follow me around for a day to see what I do when I'm not with her and her sister, at work or on the internet.
9:39: Run into Olga from work while in line. We both work for Vons and we run into each other in a different Vons. Awkward.
9:40: Kate texts back: "yessssss"
9:42: Realize the lady behind me is Andrew Howat's mom aka Ms. Frizzle from the Magic School Bus. Double awkward.
9:47: Head to school
9:57: Enter parking lot
9:58: Make first loop of parking lot. Sing Coldplay on the radio.
10:02: Realize I didn't get Sam a fork for his cake. Fuck.
10:06: I've got the moves like Jagger
10:09: Park truck
10:10: Put in headphones and turn on iPod  *note to self: clean truck before next Tuesday for Kathleen.* walk to class
10:16: There's another class in our classroom? Confusion 
10:17: Realize we're in a different room today
10:19: Get to class. Take out Rockstar. Give Sam his cake.
12:30: Class is over. We watched Where the Buffalo Roam and ate food. It was funny. Walking to the library to finish writing a paper for my novel analysis class later tonight. 
12:33: Decide that it's a nice day out so I'll write outside for a little while. 
12:34: Table's wet. To the student lounge!
1:07: I've spent the last half hour playing Flow Free. It's too loud in here to concentrate. To the library!
1:08: I just spotted a toddler running about and there's a silver Toyota Camry blasting rap and driving on campus walkways. Only black people.
1:13: I'm sitting in my usual cubicle in the back part of library. Time to bullshit this paper.
2:54: Wrote a lot. Am almost done I think. Bathroom.
2:58: Walk to Global Com. Smells like shit behind buildings M and N because of the feral cats.
3:02: The class/computer lab has new computers and my usual spot has been turned around to face a wall. Sit in a new spot so I can finish writing my paper in class. The screen is giant and hides me from Cindy's view. Sorry, Cindy. At least I read Chapter 13 this time! AND took notes on it!
3:08: All of these people are flipping out over the new computers. Calm the fuck down people, they're just Dells.
4:15: Class ends. Cindy lets me finish my paper in the lab so I can print for free. 
4:45: Finally finished. 1/4 of a page short but idgaf. I have the highest grade in the class anyway. Starts walking to cafeteria for food.
4:56: Order a grilled cheese and curly fries. Didn't realize how hungry I am until now. 
5:00: Ordered mushrooms on my grilled cheese. Cook forgot them. I kind of feel like an ass for making him re-do it buuuut who the fuck eats mushrooms on the side? 
5:11: This sandwich is delicious. The girl next to me has bright lavender hair, dressed like a hipster, and talks like a chola. Interesting.
5:26: Walking to my truck to get my 2nd can of Rockstar. I have a half hour to kill. Wtf do I do with my life?
5:30: Decide to rummage through my truck to find some books to sell back. This girl clearly does not understand the "I'm not leaving" head-shake. Sit in your car for as long as you want. 
5:34: Find 3 books I can sell back today. The girl in the car glared at me as she walked by. It's not my fault you didn't pay attention to my signals. Bitch you wanna fight?!?
5:41: A whole $12.50. Hooty hoo!!
5:43: Decide to walk to class the back way. I've never done this at night before but I'm willing to test fate. I've been keeping a pen in my pocket to use as a weapon in case of an attack since my knife is MIA. I'm not paranoid at all.
5:47: Realize that it's brighter on this side of campus than going through the quad. That's safe.
5:50: Arrive in class. There's 5 of us in here so far. There's like 9 total. Wait maybe 10? I've never seen that girl before. We're such a small class that no one's bonded or even really spoken to each other all semester so it's really awkward in here right now. 
5:53: 7 minutes for Flow Free? I think yes.
5:58: We had to move into a smaller square of desks. When class starts I'm going to doodle the fuck out of what's left of my notebook.
6:00: He's collecting revisions of exam and the first essay. I totally forgot that he had given that as an extra credit assignment. Oh well. I got a B on the exam and an A on the paper.
6:17: The guy next to me is gross. Last week I watched him pick his zits. Soulmate.
6:27: This girl just said "conversate" in a sentence. She must be exterminated.
6:38: Every time the teacher asks a question everyone looks at me and zit-picker because we keep arguing. Sorry if I think Vonnegut is better than your sci-fi Star Wars fan-fiction. C'mon people we can't be the only two who read this book!
7:25: Ended class an hour and a half early because Conversate girl fell asleep. Slinking in the shadows back to my truck.
7:32: It's freezing in my truck and my heater doesn't work. Shit.
7:35: New Blink song on KROQ? I'd be more excited if it wasn't so mellow
7:37: Probably shouldn't do this while driving. I'm the safest safety captain ever.
7:43: Home. My dad can't stop talking about the birds. Apparently they really like the movie "The Bourne Legacy" and Christmas songs in commercials
7:47: Discussing travel plans with the padre. Apparently he told my uncle that I would either throw his sister overboard or go on a killing spree if I was roommates with her on the boat. To be fair, it's a fairly accurate description of my initial thoughts on the subject.
8:13: StudyforaclassIdidn'tdoanythingforallsemester time!
9:04: Sparknoting all of the pieces that were discussed in the review. I have 14 pages so far. Eek. His last test was pretty easy so hopefully this will be too.
9:58: I have spent the last half hour doing posting old assignments to my British Lit. Class's website. I'm hoping he'll give me a couple of points for credit.
10:00: About to start blogging this day so I can go to bed earlyish. I shouldn't have agreed to take a shift and open tomorrow.
10:15: Find Green Lantern action figure. Make him fly around my desk.
10:30: Find Lego Batman figure. MAKE THEM FIGHT TO THE DEATH!
10:45 Batman wins. As expected.
10:55 El Fin.

Ok soooo that was my Tuesday. Kinda lame. I know there are more thoughts towards the end of my day but that's because I finally woke up from my sleepy stupor. I haven't slept much due to finals and as a result my brain doesn't start to function until like...4 in the afternoon. I don't want to promise anything, but tomorrow should be more exciting. I have to be up at 5 soooo I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight, internet.   

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