
I took the summer off. So sue me.

Aaaaaand after a long summer break I'm back reader(s) (coughSarahcough). I'm kind of being forced to keep up with this blog due to a Journalism class requirement so I'll most likely be posting regularly from now on. So much has changed in the past 3 months, I don't even know where to begin. Because I'm getting a little hungry, I'll make these into bullet points. 
- I have acquired two lovely new scars, both in very different ways.  

1. I can't show you the first one because I'm currently wearing jeans and it's located on my upper thigh. How did I get it you may ask? During a trip to The Vegas in late June, severely intoxicated me was angry and somehow managed to stab myself in the leg. No, I don't know how I did it. Yes, it hurt like hell for a week afterward. The scar is in the shape of a big blotchy circle---that in all honesty kind of looks like Ditto from Pokemon.

2. I have an almost perfectly circular scar on my forearm, just above my wrist. This is everyone's favorite scar because of how I came to get it and the because you can tell what it is just from looking at it. For the sake of the second party involved, I'm not going to go into full detail but the gist of it is this: my friend bit me. Not in a fun way, she just bit me. There was a whole lot of alcohol involved and it just happened. While I'm waiting for the picture of the actual scar to upload from my cellular device, here are some aftermath photos of that night.
Yes, she bit my eye. No, we're still not sure how it happened.

This one is located on my inner elbow.
There it is in all it's glory. 
 - I've been hanging out with some new people who, without knowing it, have given me a new perspective on things. They are incredibly fun to hang out with and it's been a damn good summer. Hopefully this coming year will be ten times better than last year was.

- For some insane reason, one of my bosses at work decided to make me in charge of safety at work. The official title is "Safety Champion" but I prefer to call myself "Safety Captain". Not much comes with this new title. Once a week I take an hour or so out of my shift and run around the store posting the new safety fliers on the walls of each department and once a month I replace giant calendars that advertise safety on the walls of said departments. Let's be real though---I actually just walk around the store for 2 hours and hang out with my friends in the Bakery and Meat departments. I was hoping a pay raise would come with this new position but all it came with was this:  
The one perk of having this on my nametag is that I get to yell at people about safety all day and point at my nametag. It makes the time go by faster.

- I am FINALLY almost done with The Hunger Games series. I struggled to get through the second and I'm a little more than 1/4 through the third. So far it's much better than the other 2. 

-The last installment of Christopher Nolan's "Dark Knight" trilogy was released. I have conflicting opinions on it but I'll save my review for a later date. Maybe after work tomorrow. We'll see.

- And last but definitely not least, my best friend in the world packed up her crap and moved to the boring, humid state of Oklahoma for grad school. It was really depressing but I'm pretty sure we had an awesome last summer together. Do I miss her? Not really. The new scar on my arm will never let me forget her. And she kicks my ass everyday in Words with Friends. Stupid game. 

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