
Womp Womp

This is an assignment for my Global Communications class. I was working on this survey at my local coffee establishment earlier and read a couple of answers to my friend Sarah. She suggested I post it because I like to talk about myself and I thought it was a brilliant idea because I'm pretty awesome. Originally there were 24 questions but a few of them are boring so I'm leaving them out.

1. Which authors do you enjoy? Ernest Hemingway, JK Rowling, John Green, J.D. Salinger, and Jeff Lindsay

2. What was the last book you read? What kind of impact did it have on your life? The last book I read was Suzanne Collins’ Catching Fire. In all honesty, I felt that it droned on a bit too much and the only parts that I thoroughly enjoyed were the last three chapters. It didn’t have too much of an impact on my life other than solidifying the fact that The Twilight Saga is the worst piece of fiction written in a decade.
3. What types of books would you like to read if you had more time? I would like to finish Atlas Shrugged.
9. When do you listen to the radio? Do you listen primarily for music, news, or talk shows? What stations do you listen to? I listen to the radio when I’m in the car because my Ipod adapter is broken. I typically listen to KROQ and KIIS. They’re FM stations.
10. How and where do you listen to music? Do you listen to music on the radio or just music downloads? I listen to music on my Ipod mostly. I listen to music all day everyday. If I don’t have it on me I’ll listen to Pandora on my phone. I’m a big CD collector but I usually download albums first to judge whether or not it’s worth spending money on.
11. Do you listen to music frequently, rarely, or occasionally? What types? I almost can’t function without music. Even if it’s a half a mile car ride, I need music to break the silence. I listen to a little bit of everything except for country. And Opera. And musicals.
13. What is your current favorite song and your favorite recording artist? My current favorite song is “Heinrich Maneuver” by Interpol. My all time favorite song is “(This is) The Dream of Evan and Chan” by Dntel. I have a few favorite bands. Death Cab for Cutie, The Strokes, We Are Scientists, and Bright Eyes are the big four. I’ve been really into Interpol lately though.
14. What influence do you think popular music has on people in your age group? It has a pretty big influence on society. I bet that teens would not have been as keen to drink grape flavored cough syrup for pleasure if Lil’ Wayne hadn’t rapped about it first.
16. How often do you go online? Do you regularly use Facebook, Twitter or other social media sites? Which ones? I go online probably about 20-30 times a day on my phone. I have a love-hate relationship with Facebook. Send the occasional Tweet. I have a YouTube channel but it’s mostly dumb videos of my friends doing stupid crap. I’m really into Intagramming at the moment.  
18. What do you make a point to watch every week? Why? I have a few shows that I watch. Pretty Little Liars, Criminal Minds, How I Met Your Mother, Grey’s Anatomy, True Blood and Dexter. Some of them I watch for comedic value. Others because I like the mystery. I watch Dexter because I have a thing for vigilantes. And because he gives me hope for the world.
20. Do you own an iPod or an iPad/Kindle? How have they changed your viewing, reading, and listening habits? Yes I own an Ipod. His name is Mortimer. He's enabled me to listen to music at all times. He's probably made me become slightly more socially awkward than I should be.
Mortimer in all his glory
21. What was the last movie you saw in a theater? How long ago? The Expendables 2. Last week.
22. What is/are your all-time favorite movie(s)? Why? This is a complicated question. I have several favorites in different genres. The Godfather because I like that you can clearly see his descent from do-gooder Army Vet to ruthless mob boss. The Scream movies because Wes Craven makes fun of himself and the horror genre in each film. Donnie Darko because it’s weird and no one can ever fully grasp what the whole thing is about other than “it’s about time travel”. Atonement because it’s intended to be an apology. Garden State because it helped me get through high school. Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist for the soundtrack and the adventure that I’ve always wanted. Superbad because it reminds me of me and my best friend. Mean Girls because it’s the most quotable movie on the planet. (500) Days of Summer for the soundtrack and because it’s not a love story. Watchmen because it’s arguably the best comic book movie ever filmed. Sin City because on the surface, it’s several subplots with nothing in common except that they all tie together in the end. Jurassic Park because I’ve always wanted a dinosaur. Heavy Metal because it’s the most epic cartoon musical about absolutely nothing that I have had the pleasure to watch. And finally The Dark Knight Trilogy because Nolan included my favorite Batman villain: Ra’s Al Ghul. And because Nolan got more of the Batman universe correct than any director before him. And because he drew his ideas from the actual comic book storylines and mashed the different plots together.

I think that last answer means that I should really get my DKR analysis out there. Not tonight though. I have to get up in 4 hours. Not tomorrow either. Maybe sometime Friday. Or Sunday.

I'm awesome.

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