
Has Anyone Ever Posted a Retraction Blog? Because This is Happening

A few months ago I wrote a post titled "Why Is This Not Funny?" about Grace Helbig's YouTube channel DailyGrace. In said post, I stated that I did not think she was that funny and alluded to the thought that she has potential to be funny. In the months that have passed since that post, I have completed my "journey" and have watched every single DailyGrace video. I've noticed that in the past few months, her comedic tone has changed. I find myself laughing much more often and looking forward to her vlogs 5 days a week.  

My friend Kate also agrees that there has been a change in Grace's videos. She compared some of her older ones to the newer ones and we have both decided that she has gotten funnier. To me it seems like she was holding herself back before. She was trying to keep her videos kind of family friendly but in recent months it seems as if she has stopped giving any fucks. I like that. For example I have really enjoyed her Halloween Costume Videos. Here's the first one: HALLOWEEN COSTUME IDEAS 

With that being said, I would like to formally apologize to you, Grace Helbig. If by some miracle that you stumble upon this blog I do not want you to think that I hate you or something. Because you are pretty damn funny. If I run into you somewhere in LA, I will buy you a drink. Mostly because of your weight lifter joke in Hannah Hart's My Drunk Pumpkin video. Because I'm pretty sure if my friends and I were internet celebs, we would also get drunk on camera and paint the shit out of holiday produce. Except we'd use knives. Because we're safe.

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