
Top Ten Thursday: Music Albums

(I know that this is posted on Saturday. The intro and #s 10-7 were written on Thursday. I went out with some friends Thursday night, was way too drunk to finish it when I got home, spent Friday morning curled up in a hungover ball of pain, then had to run some errands and went out again. So I'm finishing it now. Next week though...official start of Top Ten Thursday)

Over my vacation, I noticed that I use the phrase "That's in my top ten [enter category here]." I also have decided that Thursday is probably my favorite day of the week because for the average college student Thursdays kick off the weekend. Those two completely different thoughts brought on my new theme about my Top Ten whatever I want to talk about. So prepare yourselves for a whole new Thursday.

To kick off my first Top Ten Thursday, I have left the topic of discussion to my one reader, Sarah. After much debate, she has chosen the category of Top Ten Music Albums. Keep in mind,  this will cover all genres of music, not any one specific genre. I listen to much more than these choices and have been called a music snob more than a few times so bear with me here. So really these are just my top ten favorite music albums of all time. 

I've decided to do top 11 because I'm posting this 3 days late. And because I wanted all of these to be recognized.

11. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles

I don't know if it's the cleverness of the cover or because everyone has their own theories to what "Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds" was really about but this album just takes you to another world. Now I have never been on an acid trip or anything even close to that, but try listening to this album straight through in one sitting and you will know what I'm talking about. "A Day in the Life" is possibly one of the most instrumentally unique songs ever written in terms of the actual instruments they used vs. how they sound like to the naked ear. When people think of The Beatles, they think of "Help!" and "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" and they know that they changed the musical world forever, but for me this album started it all.

10.  Silent Alarm by Bloc Party

This album brings back a lot of memories for me. I remember being 16 years old and stumbling upon a little gem entitled "Helicopter" and thinking: 'What the fuck am I listening to?" I don't remember exactly where or how I came across it (I think it was my neighbor), but I remember listening to "Blue Light" and "This Modern Love" over and over when I started dating. This British indie rock band is not very well known, but their debut album is worth a listen. All of their albums are good and very weird, but this album on it's own was one that helped change the way I personally listen to music. Six years later, my personality has changed tenfold but I still hold this album to pretty high esteem.

9. Parachutes by Coldplay

There are very few albums out there that do not have any "decent" tracks, but have nothing but excellent ones. Coldplay is one of those bands that changes their sound with every album, but Parachutes is one of the best. If you're one of those people who think "Coldplay is gay" but this debut album always comes to mind whenever someone makes fun of them. If you have never heard the song "Sparks", then you should. It's a song that literally every adult can identify with no matter what stage they are in life. I can't even express how good this album is in words.

8. Writer's Block by Peter, Bjorn, and John

Just by the name of the band, I know you're thinking "What the fuck is this" but go ahead and YouTube "Young Folks" and you'll remember this single from 2008. I remember buying this album because of this one song, and after the first listen I thought "wow I like weird shit". Although this was not their first album, it is certainly my favorite from this particular band. Every single song flows into the next and every single song is weird as fuck. Not like...techno weird but like...folk singers on crack weird. Although "Young Folks" is very good, the track before it, "Objects of My Affection" is my favorite. This album makes you want to spin around in circles and just bop your head along with the music.

7. In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 by Coheed and Cambria

With lyrics such as "cut the throats of babies", this album is the darkest of my top ten. This band tends to mix a unique blend of incredibly dark lyrics with the beautiful sounds of stringed instruments in the background. They had two singles off this album that year entitled "A Favor House Atlantic" and "Blood Red Summer" which those of you who used to frequent FUSE TV like I did in 2003 will remember. Since then, Coheed has had several other excellent albums but because this one was my introduction to harder/darker rock music, this has to my favorite Coheed album. The fact that I was listening to this band when I was 13 is probably a big reason why I enjoy serial killer movies/shows/books nine years later. Oddly enough, nowadays I really only listen to this album when I am in an exceptionally good mood. I don't even want to think about what that says about me.

8. Antics by Interpol

This one I can't really explain. It's good. And sexual. And is the perfect go-to album for any kind of human emotion. I don't know anyone who has heard this album and walked away thinking "well, that sucked".  

5. Give Up by The Postal Service 

This album brings up too many memories to recount here. For years I have wished and hoped that The Postal Service would get back together knowing full well that my wish will never come true. I would kill to have seen them live during their one and only album tour. The Postal Service was a collaboration between Death Cab For Cutie's frontman Ben Gibbard and electro-pop artist Jimmy Tamborello of Dntel. Jenny Lewis of Rilo Kiley would provide background vocals making this musical trifecta complete. This album will make you sleepy, happy, and sad all at the same time. Most people will recognize songs such as "Such Great Heights" and "The District Sleeps Alone Tonight" but truth be told all of them are fantastic songs. There is not one song on the album that is better than another and the best way to listen to it is straight through from beginning to end. The final track on the album get a lot of flack because most of it is instrumental but the lyrics to "Natural Anthem" are way too poetic to be overlooked. 

4. Transatlanticism by Death Cab For Cutie

Finally I have reached my favorite band. I don't want to go on a rant about what comes to mind when people  who only know them from 2005 to the present ("Soul Meets Body" will always be a terrible song. Always.) but their earlier albums should really be more acknowledged than they are. Transatlanticism is beautiful from beginning to end. From the time that I purchased the album, I have made it a point to listen to it every New Year's Day due to the opening track "The New Year" and the fresh start that it brings to mind. You have never heard anything more hauntingly beautiful than track 7, "Transatlanticism" live on stage. Everything about this album is transcendent and just...wow. 

3. Deja Entendu Brand New

Every indie music enthusiast I know can recite lyrics to "The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows" line by line and straight from memory. Not one song on this album is bad and it's an album that everyone can identify with. The lyrics are powerful and great to listen to if you're in a bad mood. This album never gets old and is one of the few that I can listen to over and over and over. I'm pretty sure that after I was given this album as a gift, it was the only CD that I kept in my truck for about 6 months. Actually I'm pretty sure that it's in my CD player right now. 

2. The Photo Album by Death Cab For Cutie

Another album by my favorite band. The Photo Album will always be y favorite Death Cab album because it's so...raw. High school was the beginning of my interest in music other than Blink 182 and shit-tier bands that I don't even want to admit that I liked. Although this was not my first Death Cab album, it is still my favorite. There are some albums that make you feel like you're the only one who can relate and for me, this is that album.  

1.  Is This It by The Strokes

My close friends (except for Scraps) just shit themselves because my all time favorite album is not a Death Cab album. As most people (Sarah) have gathered, I party a lot. Every time I'm getting ready for a party or some other hyped up event, this is the album that I listen to. Is This It is home to the very popular singles "Someday" and "Last Night" but the album is so much more than that. Every song is upbeat and makes you all psyched to go out for a night of fun with your friends. It makes you gyrate and hop up and down with excitement for whatever it is that comes to mind when you listen to the album. The Strokes are one of my favorite bands and this album will always be something that I hold to the highest esteem. I dare any album by any artist to try and compete with this one. 

I realize that the 3 of my top 5  involve Benjamin Gibbard. Yes, I'm biased. No, I don't give two shits what you think about the band. Gibbard is a god among men.

Yes, I know that I never did my top albums of 2012. It's sitting halfway written in my drafts box, I just can't force myself to finish it just yet. It may or may not happen, but we'll see what happens. If you (Sarah is my only reader) are super curious about it, then I'll post it.

That's it for my first Top Ten (eleven) Thursday. Next week will be something that's not about music. And hopefully on Thursday. I'm going to go get in the shower and listen to The Strokes now. 


  1. Yeah I'm curious about it, post it! -Sarah

  2. You're so needy. Fine I will work on it. Only for you Bruins.
