
Unemployment Log: Day 4

When I returned from vacation, I learned that I had been terminated from the shitty grocery store where I worked. Truth be told, I had spent my two weeks at sea anticipating that I would return to the mainland jobless and broke. My friends and old coworkers have been super supportive and helpful, but frankly I'm kind of glad it happened. I had been getting fed up with the politics of everything and although I will miss my friends, I needed a mental break. The downside is that I'm broke and my attention span is minimal. I've decided to keep a log on my life post grocery store until I get a new job.


The day everything was finalized, I remained surprisingly calm. I went into the store, the Culkin gave me my final check and told me I was fired with an annoyingly happy smile on her face, and I left. I drove down the street to the Bruins' apartment, filled out an application for another grocery store chain, and we went to lunch. Sarah had to run some errands and I didn't have anything else planned until later in the evening so I ran some errands with her. We went to Best Buy, I bought some DVDs, we went to her parents' house, I played with their cat until he got feisty and tried to bite me. From there we went to the used bookstore because the book Sarah had gotten me for Christmas this year was the exact same book that she bought me for Christmas last year. We hung out there talking about books and things for a good hour or so. Then we went back to the apartment and watched Zoolander with Kate while I started writing "Top Ten Thursday". Later that night I went to the pub up the street from my house with my friend Mike and one of his friends. We drank and drank and drank until the pub closed at midnight, then in our drunken stupor decided to go to another nearby bar and drink more. Needless to say, I spent most of my Friday hungover.

Day 2

My morning was spent curled up in a ball in my room moaning in hungover agony. Eventually I got up and got something to eat. I ran an errand in Buena Park and decided that since I was already there, I'd get a California Burrito at Albertacos with a friend and his stepbrother. Then I came home, took a nap, went over to Matt's, we got some food, decided to call up some friends and see what they were doing, then we played a whole lot of beer pong. I may not be employed but my BP skills are at a high right now. At one point my friend Katee was standing on a chair and we danced around her because she was the tallest person in the room. Then there was a Beach Boys dance party happening. Devon started a new dance craze called 'The Tommy Pickles". It was a good time. Then I came home and watched a whole lot of Rugrats on Netflix.

Day 3

I woke up around 2 in the afternoon, filled out an online application talked on the phone for a bit, finished up Top Ten Thursday and watched more Rugrats. Snowflake called and asked me what I was doing. We were going to hang out but I didn't want to drive all the way downtown then back to Devon's so I ate at home and left around 9. Team SnowTez went 4-0 before we were very badly defeated. Snowflake was sick so I drank everything. Had a couple of shots and got way too drunk to play. I ended up trolling and I know that there's a few pictures of my troll time on Snowflakes phone. She fell asleep, leaving me to hang with the boys. We sang and danced to songs such as "My Heart Will Go On" and "I Can Feel It Coming In The Air Tonight". I got home around 3:30, ate the rest of the pasta I made for dinner, did the dishes, and started watching Rugrats again. 

Day 4

Scraps called me around 1 to wake me up and we talked on the phone for a while. After we hung up, I made some egg sandwiches, and watched TV while I ate. Katee had told me that the CPK downtown is hiring and although I really don't want to work in a restaurant, I decided that any job is better than no job at this point. I showered and whatnot then drove downtown still trying to decide whether or not I wanted to apply there. I parked angrily because I hate paying for parking. I went inside, got an application and was told to go back on Tuesday at 4 for an interview with the manager. Then I walked by the $1 Bookstore and hung out there for a few hours. At one point, there was this small black kid who exclaimed "IT'S MARTIN LUTHER KING!" in the African-American section and I did my best not to laugh out loud. I stumbled upon an old Patricia Cornwell mystery series that my Mom used to listen to in the form of books-on-tape when I was in elementary school so I decided to pick up the first three now that I am old enough to understand them. And now... well I just ate a bowl of cereal for dinner. And I'll probably watch Netflix until I fall asleep. 

So...yeah. That's what being unemployed and broke is like. It involves heavy drinking, Netflix, and whatever food I can find around the house. Here's to hoping something more eventful will happen within the next few days.  

As my close friends know, I have a very short attention span and if I'm not doing anything productive then I tend to get really bored and do shit like write blog posts about being unemployed. So expect a few more of these until I get another job.

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