
Top Ten Thursday: Bar Drinks

So this TTT is about one of my favorite hobbies: drinking! This is mostly for those who have not yet turned the ripe old age of 21 but it can also apply to those who are fairly new or not big drinkers and have no clue what to order when out at a bar. Some of these discuss their ingredients and others do not. Why? Because I don't feel like looking it up and these are the ones that I know off the top of my head. I have tasted them all and as usual they will be listed from my least favorite to my favorite. Keep in mind that some bars pour heavier than others, but most of these drinks are very hard to screw up. If they are really, really wrong, then you're probably at PJ's in Long Beach. Now it's time for the fun to begin!

10. Midori Sour

Now I just spent a good 20 minutes looking for a picture of one because Drunxican has a habit of taking pictures of her drinks and posting them on Facebook, but for the life of me I can't find one. But that's probably because I was drinking Midori Sours right after I turned 21. This drink is sweet. If you're new to the bar scene and you're not sure what to get, this is the drink for you. It's sweet but it's also mostly alcohol. And I just remembered where I have a picture of this. Hold that thought. 

Anyway this drink is pretty tasty and if it's made right you can't taste the alcohol in it. Although if you're a dude, you'll look kind of like a pansy because this drink is bright green.

Clearly it is the drink that I have circled in red. If you're curious about the other drinks, the red one is most likely a vodka cranberry, if I'm not mistaken the one behind it is called a Cactus Cooler (a shooter turned into a drink) and only a handful of bars know how to make it, and the big blue one is something delicious that I will talk about later on. Back on point: A midori sour is a good drink to consider if you don't really want to get drunk or if you want to get drunk on something tasty but feel like you have some cash to spend. Again, I drank this back when I first turned 21. At the time my tolerance was not like it is now. A couple of these plus a shot and I was set for the night. Now it would take 4-6 of these to get me to a good level of drunkenness. 

9.  Lemon Drop

This classic martini is dangerous. It might taste super delicious, but it is not something to be tampered with. You'll drink one and think "well that's not strong at all!" and after 3 or 4 you're done. I almost never get this one, but it's just a personal preference. It still tastes pretty good if you're in the mood to be classy. I'm never that classy.

8. Rum and Coke

This is another drink that I would get when I was 21. I was really looking for something with flavor and this drink is very simple and very tasty. It's made up of two ingredients: rum and coke. Actually now that I'm thinking about it, this was the very first drink that touched my lips. It's not difficult to mess up and just like any basic drink, you get to pick what kind of rum you use. For example, my mom is partial to Malibu and coke. I personally hate Malibu and would usually go for some Captain Morgan but really, it's up to you. If you go to a bar and say "rum and coke" they'll probably give you whatever the house rum is. It's usually some cheap shit-tier brand but hey, whatever gets the job done right?

7. Margarita

I am a strong believer that tequila was invented by sadistic Mexicans who got tired of straight rubbing alcohol. Tequila and I are not friends at all. I know that because of my Mexican and Spanish blood, I should be able to handle tequila like no one else but I am ashamed to admit that it is exactly the opposite. I mean, I drink it anyway, but it destroys my liver. With that being said, margaritas are delicious. This is a drink that just about everyone has had at some point or another. It's tasty whether or not it's strong. Margaritas come in a variety of different flavors and you can drink them on the rocks or blended like a smoothie. My personal preference is on the rocks but hey, whatever floats your boat. 

6. Lynchburg Lemonade

One of the funniest bar moments that I ever experienced took place when ordering a Lynchburg Lemonade. The person I was hanging out with at the time ordered one and the bartender looked at her and said "Um...I don't think we have any Lynchburg." Looking back, I'm sure that our immediate laughter caused the bartender to spit in our drinks but when you have to explain that whiskey is the main alcoholic ingredient in a Lynchburg Lemonade then there's an issue. Lynchburg Lemonade is Jack Daniels whiskey, sprite, sweet and sour mix, and triple sec. It has nothing to do with lemonade. But I promise you right now, it's damn delicious when it's made right. 

5. Whiskey Sour

Whiskey Sours are another classic drink similar to a whiskey coke or like the previous stated rum and coke. It's very difficult to screw up and no matter where you go, people know how to make a whiskey sour.

4. Irish Car Bomb

This one's tricky because it's a shot, not a drink. Or is it a shooter? I don't know. Drink enough of them and they taste like chocolate milk. My friends and I have developed a birthday tradition where we go to our favorite Irish pub and once the whole group is together, we all get a round or two of  Irish Car Bombs. This will warm your tummy right up.  Irish Car Bombs are: 3/4 Guinness in a pint glass, take a shot glass of half Bailey's Irish Cream and half Jameson Irish Whiskey, making sure to layer the Bailey's on the bottom. The next move has to be done quickly or else the cream will curdle and it'll be gross. Take the shot glass, drop it in the Guinness and CHUG CHUG CHUG! Some people like to pour the shot in the pint glass instead of dropping it in but for me, that's a cop-out and eliminates the word "Bomb" from the title. In that case it would be just called an Irish Car. And that's not cool.
This is pre-chug. As you can see, things can get messy.

3. Beer
Beer is easy. Everyone has their preference in beer and the alcohol percentage varies on the beer. There are darks, lights, stouts, IPAs, etc. I may not be a fan of dark beer, but I love Irish dark beers like Smithwicks and Guinness. I also enjoy Mexican beers like Pacifico, Corona, and Dos Equis. Lately I've been interested in locally brewed beers. I'm not usually a fan of IPAs but I've found a couple locally brewed ones that I like. It all depends on the person and their taste preference  Beer is an acquired taste but here's how I got over it: I played a lot of beer pong and actually drank the beer. 
This Big Swell IPA was fairly good. I got it in Maui over my most recent vacation.
Don't get the Oatmeal Stout. It's not good. The Banana Bread beer is damn good though.
Guinness is my favorite beer and this was my Thanksgiving present. To me, from me. 
I bought Mythos because it has a unicorn on the label. Both beers shown are good. Great White is a locally brewed beer and Mythos is from Greece.

2. Whiskey Coke
This is usually my go-to drink. Whenever I'm just looking to chill with my friends at a bar or even at a party, whiskey cokes are a classic beverage. Irish pubs tend to make them stronger than other bars I've been to but on occasion if you find a good dive bar that pours with a heavy hand, then you're good to go. They can be strong or weak. If you couldn't tell, I like my drinks strong. If I'm out and about and I don't feel like getting drunk or feel like a beer, I can usually be found with a strong whiskey coke in my hand. 

1. Adios Mother Fucker

Read the name and think about it. It's awful and incredible at the same time. This deliciousness is the drink to get if you're ready to get wasteface. I've had good ones, I've had bad ones, but no matter where I go, if I'm in a bad mood or a particular wingman is with me, I get this drink. Actually when I went out last Thursday, I had three of them. The photo on the right is of my first one of that night. This drink never fails to get me. Rarely do I just stick to one Adios. It's all in the name. This drink is a little bit of everything. Bacardi 151, tequila, gin, whiskey, blue curacao  vodka, and a dash of sprite. And I use the term dash lightly. Whenever it's someone's 21st birthday (sadly I don't think there are any left within my group of friends), I like to buy them one of these. I don't know why I keep getting this drink not only because tequila and I aren't friends, but also because 151 is my worst enemy.  AMFs (as they are commonly known) are the perfect drinks to have when you've had an absolutely terrible day and you really need to let loose for the night. If you're prone to blackout from drinking, then you probably should not have an AMF. I have a friend who used to get them but she realized that they just about knock her out when made the right way (strong) so she had to stop drinking them. I don't know why I love them so much but now I want one. Dammit. I knew I should've gone out tonight.

Well, there it is folks. My top ten favorite bar drinks. With the exception of the Lynchburg Lemonade incident, I have never been to a bar that didn't know how to make or serve these drinks. They're all delicious and most of them are good for chilling with friends or a wild night out on the town. I strongly suggest that you give all of them a try at least once. 

As for my Unemployment Logs, tentatively look forward to one tomorrow afternoon before I go out. It depends on what time I wake up. I'm going to watch a show that needs my undivided attention and I'm tired of thinking today. Party on, Russians. And Sarah.

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