
Top 10 Thursday: Reasons Why the Pokemon Games are Awesome

Because I am a fairly honest person, I'm going to be straight with you: I forgot it was Thursday. I had been playing Pokemon all afternoon and had forgotten to eat, so around 8pm I made a bold attempt to create chicken nachos. Somewhere in between cooking the chicken and getting the cheese out of the fridge, i remembered that it was Thursday. I'm sorry. 

Tonight's post is going to be inspired by my lack of social life for the last two weeks. Don't get me wrong, I went out over the weekend, but other than that I've been sitting in my room reading. Yesterday, I began a quest that 7 year old Ktez would be quite proud of. Yesterday, I started playing Pokemon: Emerald. When I first received the game as a gift, I thought it to be too difficult because I don't know any of the Pokemon after generation two. After about two years of ownership, I have decided to finally tackle the game. After about 16 hours of gameplay, I have found that my lack of current Pokemon knowledge has no reflection on my ability to play the game. With that being said, tonight's post is going to be short because I'm itching to get back to my game.

10. It doesn't matter which version you're playing, they're all maintain the same concept: to get to the Elite 4. Although that might sound boring, it's not. Each game contains different obstacles between cities. For example, in the original Red and Blue versions of the game, there is a gym leader in every town you come across but in Emerald not every city or town has a gym leader. This extends gameplay and makes it a little less straightforward.

9. Everyone can be unique with they're Pokemon choices. Not everyone uses the same strategy to defeat their opponents. 

8. Although the Missing No: cheats are only applicable to the original versions of the game, it's still a pretty awesome glitch. Who doesn't love 999 Rare Candies? 

7. Mewtwo is one badass mother fucker of a science experiment gone wrong. For awhile now, it has been my goal to make an entire line up of Mewtwos on one game. One day...

8. Although the newer games are filled with newer Pokemon, a few of the original 151 show up now and again. 

7. The games are waaaaaaaay better than the show. I mean, the first season was excellent, but the Orange Islands are when the show started going downhill. 

6. I can play, play, play, play, play and never get tired of it. 

5. Nothing makes me happier than giving my character a weird name. Right now my character's name is Batman. If I'm not mistaken, on my most recent play of Blue I named my character Badass and my rival is named Bitch.

4. Gold and Silver were excellent follow-ups to Red and Blue. 

3. They're good for a a rainy day or when I'm sick. Pretty much, it's a good way to pass the time. 

2. The Pokemon games introduced me to gambling. Whenever I find the casino in the game, I take a break from regular gameplay and play the slots. Reminds me of the Vegas. I love the Vegas...

1. Nothing gives you more satisfaction than raising a Magikarp into a Gyrados. He is one mighty beast of a Pocket Monster. 

See? Short. Now, back to more important things. I'm in a cave. I hate caves.

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