
Floozy Five Friday: Let's Talk About T-Swift

I skipped Top Ten Thursday. I'm sorry. I had something planned for it, made notes on my phone and everything, but it was my Dad's birthday so we spent the day out drinking at an Elvis themed Mexican restaurant in Garden Grove, then I got a call saying that we were going out for my friends Meg birthday later that night, so needless to say, I was a little busy. I can't promise that it'll never happen again, but I will try to ensure that it will never happen again. 

Today, while on our way to get sushi, my friend Mar informed me that she is a religious reader of this blog so that brings my readership up to two! Sarah, you are no longer alone! Due to this new discovery, I am dedicating today's post to you, Marleen. You helped me come up with today's topic so this post is for you. 

From looking at my appearance or listening (in your case, reading) to my opinions about music, no one would think that I am hip to the Taylor Swift. I used to be a little ashamed to admit it, but now I really don't care. I love T-Swift's music. I didn't get into it on accident, but at the same time I didn't want to like her music. A few summers ago, I was forced to listen to her music for a three month time period and it was all over after that. Since then I have obtained each and every one of her albums and have memorized just about every song (Except for the ones about babies. Those are lame). Sometimes the enjoyment of listening to Taylor Swift baffles even me, but today I am going to discuss the five reasons why I like T-Swift. 

#5: My Own Theories

Everyone has their theories as to which song is about which guy she's been with. Some of them are easier to figure out than others but I have developed a few of my own. One theory is that all of the songs on her newest album, Red, are about John Mayer. I was listening to it the other day, and every single song reminded me of her relationship with the overrated, pimptastic musician.

A second theory is that every single song is a different guy. Actually this one is mostly a fantasy but whatever. When T-Swift first gained popularity, she was this innocent little girl with a country twang who had problems with boys. Years later, that innocent image has fizzled away despite her efforts to come off that way. The media has watched her jump from a JoBro to a jailbait werewolf to John Mayer to the beautiful Jake Gyllenhaal, to cheating on a British Royal to that kid from One Direction who looks like he's 12. But what if there were guys behind the scenes? What if every single song was about a different dude? Really puts your slutty behavior into perspective doesn't it?

#4: Catchier Than A Cold

Once you hear "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", it's all you think about for the rest of your life. Every single that comes out on the radio is frighteningly catchy and even if you don't like her songs, you have to admit that you know all the lyrics. 

#3: "I Knew You Were Trouble"

This song is no ordinary T-Swift song. Upon my first listen, I heard an unexpected electronic beat drop and was very confused as to what I listening to. At first I thought that there was something wrong with the download but then I realized that's how the song was intended to sound. Not only is the song completely different from the rest, but the lyrics describe an event that everyone has or will have experienced at one point in their lives. It's that moment when you meet someone who you know is bad for you, but you just can't help yourself. I have friends who find themselves always falling for these types of guys and at times you can't really control it. T-SWIFT YOU GET MY LIFE!

#2: She has had some really hot boyfriends

Jake 'mothafuckin' Gyllenhaal. 'Nuff said.

#1: Nothing is Better to Sing When You're Drunk

I will say that out of all the songs that I like to sing drunk (:ahem: "In The Air Tonight" by Phil Collins :ahem:) T-Swift songs tend to be really good choices. Sometimes I just blast them in my truck and sing terribly to her catchy lyrics. If you've never heard me sing, get me drunk and play T-Swift. It will be a memorable experience for all of you. And I'll most likely lose my voice by morning. 

Wasn't that magical? Don't you just want to listen to "Teardrops on My Guitar" now? I know I do. Next week will be a normal Top Ten Thursday so look out for that. I start school next week so maybe I'll do another day in the life. We'll see how it goes. 

Now I'm going to go watch season 3 of The OC until it's t-shirt time. Taylor Townsend, you are a bitch. See you for Superbowl Sunday, Mar and Sarah. 

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