
8am is the Time of Evil

School. I have been waiting for this all month. I'm not a big fan of school, but having an extra month of vacation and not working has made me very anxious to get up in the morning and actually do something with my time. I meant to post this on Tuesday but I was exhausted after I got home and watched 4 hours of Doctor Who.

Monday, Feb. 6

550: Dammit the tape that makes my charger work didn't hold. Now my phone is dying. Awesome.
6: Ugh time to get up.
630: Breakfast tiiime
724: Leaving the house 20 minutes late. Shitsandwich.
744: Everyone can eat a dick. If the light is green, how about 10+ cars move forward? This isn't an amusement park ride. More than one person at a time can go forward.
754: I don't even remember the last time I had to park in the parking structure let alone the top floor
756: I'm going to be late. Shit.
805: He's starting class late. Thank Morgan Freeman.
820: C'mon people. You're 20 minutes late. He's not letting you in the class. 

822: Ugg boots and a briefcase? Epitome of classy right there.
824: I'm sitting in the back corner of the class by the door and something smacks into my chair. WENDY! SHE'S ALIVE! Please tell me she's not in this class...SCORE! I would not be able to contain myself if she was in a class with me this early in the morning.
840: See Sam sitting outside the door. Hey boo!
850: Class is done for the day. My next class isn't till 1. To the library!
857: Run into Derek Farrow and chat for a minute. I've only been here for an hour and the Kevin Bacon thing is starting.
915: Do I want to read or play Jurassic Park builder? I'll check my dinosaurs then I'll read.
940: Time to relocate to a cubicle. If I keep sitting in this comfy chair I'll knock out.
1144: Good lord I've never seen the caf this busy
1157: I'm awkwardly sitting across from this girl because this place is packed.
1215: This lady has really gross smelling fish she just microwaved. I might puke.
1249: Really? I'm standing right next to you and this hallway is crowded. No one cares how "in love" you two are. Stop making out.
1251: Haven't been in this room since my first semester here. Damn.
200: You're an hour late for a 2 hour class. Really?
230: Oop. I've started nodding off in class. Time for a By-Polar mint to keep me awake.
239: The girl next to me is asleep. I should give her a mint....nah. Let her sleep. She looks so peaceful. 

240: Realize how creepy it is that I'm watching this girl sleep.
3: Class done for the day. Tuesdays and Thursdays are going to suck. Naptime? Naptime.

I didn't end up napping. 

Oh and let me explain about the Wendy thing. She's this lady who is mentally challenged and is in a wheelchair. She wears a top hat with a sunflower in it and wheels around by using her feet, most of the time she's going backwards. Oh, and she hates me. Every time I see her she tries to run me over. I didn't see her at all last semester so I thought she had died or something, but a friend texted me and said they spotted her downtown.

I was going to do this for my second day of classes as well but to be honest it wasn't nearly as exciting. My first class is with a bunch of people I already know. We laugh and fuck around with each other. 

My night class though...that was a little more interesting. I got there ten minutes early and there weren't too many seats left so I chose one in the back by these two girls. I tried to keep to myself but they ended up talking to me. They're total nerds but not in a "ugh don't speak to me" way. Oh, and I spotted two, maybe three (still not sure if it's her)girls in this class who I know hate me due to disagreements that we've had in other classes. The fact that the teacher knows who I am doesn't help me keep a low profile earlier. Oh, and one of the nerdy girls I sat with said she's seen me around around Long Beach. She said that she had heard heard about me through people I've had English classes with. I didn't know that I've been causing such a stir among people I don't even remember or know personally. 

It's going to be an interesting semester. If you need me, I'll have my head in a book somewhere. 

Don't worry Marleen and Sarah, I'll still post a Top Ten Thursday later tonight.

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