
Top 20 Excuses For Why I've Been AWOL

My diet for the day so far is 92% caffeine, 2% hard-boiled egg, 4% sandwich, 2% cheez-its and I've slept for maybe 6 hours in the last 3 days so if I start to stray from the point of this post, you know why. 

Also, I might be hallucinating a little bit.

It's been awhile since I've posted anything, so to make up for it today is going to be a list of 20 reasons why I haven't written anything in two weeks. I lead quite an invigorating life so prepare to be riddled with jealousy.

20. Last Thursday I hung out with Caroline all day then went to Sarah's for dinner

Caroline convinced me to skip my English class and hang out with her all day. We got sushi, she went shopping, she broke her sunglasses, and we hung out in her boyfriends apartment.

Then at the Bruins residence, there was a small gathering of peoples. Sarah made fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and veggies. We watched South Park. It was a deliciously good time.

19.  After dinner last Thursday I got drunk off whiskey and tequila and watched scary movies and YouTube trailers with The North Star gang 

The North Star is an apartment inhabited by 3 grungy yet hilarious college boys. I, among a number of other people, spend 90% of my weekends there.

We watched YouTube trailers for live-action '90s cartoons that should be made into actual movies. Specifically Pokemon, Doug, and Hey Arnold!. After we were done with that we watched The Blair Witch Project and the original Ghost Adventures movie.

18. Courage the Cowardly Dog is on Netflix


17. I played Portal: The Flash Version for 3 days
You don't know frustration until you attempt science.

16. The more I listen to Drake, the more I want to watch Degrassi

New goal in life: I want to go to a Drake concert and watch him roll out in a wheelchair singing the Canadian National Anthem. 

15. One of my many birds died

I came home from school today and it looks like the rest of them ganged up on him. As much of an annoyance that these birds are, it's still kind of sad. Especially because I'm deathly afraid of birds, so it's just going to sit in the nest until my Dad gets home tomorrow. 

14.  Vacation planning

For the last month, I have been planning a flight to Oklahoma, a road trip from Oklahoma to the Vegas for a bachelorette party, a trip to the Vegas two weeks later for my birthday, and a trip to San Diego for a wedding the weekend after that. There goes my tax refund.

13. I've had the house to myself for a week 

My parents have been in Big Bear on vacation. Fending for yourself is hard. I've eaten a whole lot of hard-boiled eggs. My cholesterol is probably through the roof. I burned my hand when I was boiling water the other day.


12.  I have to go to school sometimes

Emphasis on "sometimes." 

Since I've been home by myself, I've taken several personal days this week because I want to have as much time to myself in the house as humanely possible 

11. I've been doing school-work in advance

I'm still in school during my Oklahoma-Vegas-Long Beach trip and I'm flying out on a Tuesday so I'll be missing 4 classes that week. I have 2 papers and a ton of small assignments due when I'm gone so I've been trying to get all of them done ahead of time so I don't have to take my laptop with me. With my extremely short attention span, it's been a challenge to keep my concentration. Having the house to myself has helped, though. My books are all over the living room.

10. I spent 9 hours playing The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword last Friday

I have friends. I swear I do.

9. After Zelda, I spent the next 9 hours watching horror movies on Netflix

Never watch The Haunting of Whaley House. It's probably the worst movie I've ever seen. I only picked it because I have been to Whaley House. 

8.  I got incredibly trashed on Saturday 

Drunkxican was in fine form. Here are some quality conversations: 

Fun fact: I have never met Kelli.

I didn't know this existed until I saw Sam today.

Not the first time she's gotten a text like this.

7.  I was incredibly hungover on Sunday 

I almost died in Orange County. I couldn't eat until like...8pm. I made my mark in many expensive Orange County bathrooms. It was terrible. 

But I bought a top for Vegas. So that was good.

6. Text Messaging

It takes time OK?!?

5. I haven't changed my jeans in a week

That's a lie. I've changed into my work khakis. And the shorts that I sleep in.

But I haven't had time to do laundry so I just keep wearing the same pair of jeans. I might do laundry tonight. I should do laundry tonight.

4. Poker has taken over my life

I think we've already established that I have a minor gambling addiction. I've had to turn it down twice this week. It was painful.

3. I watched half a season of Roswell last night 

Because that's productive.

2. Yesterday=Swedish movies and homework

I skipped my night class and came home at 3 when my first class let out. I watched/listened to 3 out of 6 parts of the original extended version of The Millenium Trilogy (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo etc.). It's so long, that each of the 3 films are cut into two 2 and a half hour increments.That's 7 and a half hours of Swedish. I do not speak Swedish. But it was the most productive I have been all week. I caught up on 80% of the stuff I wanted to get out of the way before I leave, so that's awesome.


I LOVE CANDY CRUSH! It's so addicting, that I refuse to connect the mobile app to my Facebook solely so I can play on my phone when I run out of lives on the computer. Have you played it? You should play it. It's like Bejeweled, but better because there's missions and fun music and candy. It's amazing. 

To be perfectly honest, this is pretty much all that I've been doing for two weeks. I just sit around and wait to get more lives so I can keep playing Candy Crush.

Now you know what I've been doing for the past two weeks. Not really eating, not really sleeping, sort of working on school stuff, getting drunk (no surprise there) and playing a whole lot of Candy Crush. And poker. 

I should make food. That's a thing I should do.

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