
Top Ten Reasons Why I Hate Packing

I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors. I'm not going to proofread this because I'm working on something new and exciting as well as homework. Don't tell me I fucked up. I know that I did. Deal with it.

Next week, I will be flying from LA to Oklahoma and from there driving to Denver then to the Vegas. 

I love to travel, but one thing that I hate more than spending any amount of money on anything other than poker or booze is packing. I absolutely loathe packing. So today's top ten list will be on why I hate packing.

10. Laundry

I make it a habit to do my laundry about every two weeks or so. Not because I am conscious of water preservation or because I don't have the time to do it, but because I am lazy. I firmly believe that it is perfectly acceptable to wear your clothes more than once in a week. Jeans were invented to to be worn on more than one occasion. If I haven't done much that day, haven't been drenched in sweat or hugged a super smelly dude, then it is perfectly OK to wear those clothes at least one more time before you wash them. I hate doing laundry. Like, really hate it. I never pay attention the buzzer and I don't like having time constraints. If I start doing laundry, I have to make a day of it because if not I'll just leave it in the washer and forget about it until I run out of socks. 

9. "I need all of my possessions at all times"

For some reason, people feel the need to bring all of their possessions with them when they travel. "I'll bring my lava lamp because I never know when I'll end up in the '70s." Yes, it's good to be prepared in case of an emergency. I get that. But you don't need 8 sweaters and 12 pairs of underwear in addition to your other clothes for a 3 day weekend in sunny San Diego. Don't take your dog's chew toy in case you meet another dog on the beach. You don't need your bicycle shorts if you're going to Antarctica. Over-packing is especially irritating when you're flying somewhere. Some airlines charge $25 to check a bag in addition to your ticket and fees and taxes. Assholes, right? Don't bring a thousand things with you. Pack an extra set of clothes just in case. Don't be that idiot.

8. I only own 5 pairs of jeans

Two pairs of black jeans and 3 pairs of blue jeans. If I'm going somewhere for longer than like...6 days I feel the need to bring all of them in case I rip them or spill something on them or the smell like cigarettes (I don't smoke but my friends do and they reek). I always think that if I don't take all of them and something happens then I'll have to buy new ones and I am not into that.

7. Planes are stupid

Did you know that you can take a small pocket knife on an airplane as long as it's not concealed from TSA? But shampoo, hand sanitizer, and toothpaste are highly dangerous weapons.

For the trip I'm taking next, I'm taking a small suitcase so I don't have to check it. But it sucks because I can't take everything I need on the plane. My dad asked me the other day why I need shampoo because I'll be in a car for most of the trip. I'll be gone Tuesday-Sunday. Gross, Dad. Gross. Anyway, because I can't take my already paid for stuff with me, I've decided to just buy it when I get there. There goes some of the money that I was saving for my trip.

6. Lists

Every time I go somewhere, I feel the need to make a list of what I'm packing because if I don't I'll forget socks or worse---my phone charger. Not only do I hate people who make lists, but I also hate doing things in advance. Efficiency is not my thing, so when I have to be efficient I get super grumpy. 

And I don't just make one list. I've been known to make up to 6 lists. Each with a different category and with an array of different things. I think I have a problem.

5. Time Consumption

I would much rather spend my time frolicking in a field of puppies or drawing on the paint app on my phone or reading or counting the change in my change jar or watching this video.There are so many other things I would rather do than spend time throwing my stuff into a suitcase.

4. Folding clothes

Anyone who knows me is fully aware that 99% of the time, all of my clothes are thrown into a chair in the corner of my bedroom. When I pack, in order to fit all of my clothes into my suitcase, I have to fold them. But what usually ends up happening is that I ball them up and throw them in because I get bored.

3. Does the shoe fit?

I tend to want to take multiple pairs of Vans and only wear one pair the whole time. My feet are bigger than they look so my shoes take up a lot of space.

2. How the hell do I get all of this into one bag?

How do I fit them all in there? Stuff.

1. I never know what to bring

I never look at the weather for where I'm going so I never know what kind of clothes to bring. Should I bring a beanie? Will it be hot? (Not like heat matters. I wear the same things everywhere I go, no matter what the climate is) I just don't know.

Packing is the worst. 

Since I will be traveling without my laptop next week, I will either elect someone to guest write a Top Ten Thursday for me ooooor just skip it and do another Top 20 the following week. 

Either way, see you guys in two weeks.

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