
"What's in the booooox?"

Anyone who knows me really well is fully aware that I have many idiosyncrasies and it takes very little for me to get irritated. Some things are more than most, but the top of my list has to be when people talk during movies.

It doesn't matter whether or not we're in someone's living room or in a movie theater, every time someone talks while I'm watching a movie, I want to strangle them. 

Especially when the person is asking questions about the plot or trying to figure out what's going on. Bitch! We are literally watching the same goddamn movie at the exact same time. How am I supposed to know what's going on or what's going to happen next? 

No, I do not know if that character is really dead. We're just going to have to keep watching the movie and see what happens.  Why are you asking me about why that guy has a missing hand? I have no fucking idea. We are watching the exact same movie. 

As I'm writing this right now, I'm sitting in my living room watching a horror, sci-fi film called Europa Report with my dad and he keeps asking me questions about the movie. Things like "Who's missing?" and "Wait...where is that guy in the ship?"

I have no fucking idea dad. I have no fucking idea.


If they're not asking questions about the movie, they're repeating the scenes that you've just watched or lines that you have just heard. "Where's all the rum gone?" "Her head was in the box the whole time!" Shut up.

Shut. Up.

Why do you feel the need to ruin this cinematic experience for me? Why the hell are you asking me questions and telling me the Nemo is in a fish tank? I can see that. I'm not blind or unable to comprehend what's going on on the screen. 

It's worse when you're watching a horror movie. As an avid watcher of horror films, I have too much first-hand experience with these encounters. 

I get that the point of the film is to scare you. You're supposed to be freaked out or disturbed or whatever. I understand jumping and maybe a slight scream of surprise when something pops out at you, but to sit there and yell out "HE'S BEHIND THE DOOR!" so that everyone in the room can hear you, is just a little too much. 

I don't think I'm being unreasonable in this at all. The whole point of sitting down and watching a movie is to relax and enjoy whatever you're watching. This task is extremely difficult to do if you can't hear or pay attention to what's going on because whoever you're watching it with is just yapping on about the movie that you're supposed to be watching. 

I will never understand the necessity to talk during movies. Why do people insist on ruining a good time? I watch movies to escape the reality of people. That's so difficult to do when people are stopping me from watching what I'm trying to watch. It's such a pain in the ass. How would you like it if everytime you're reading a book or talking on the phone I started to make a bold attempt at playing the piano or started asking you questions like "Are you on the phone?" or "What happens at the end of the book? Does Harry kill Voldemort?" 

There are several movies that I hated the first time because someone was talking the whole way through it and I missed things and didn't understand what was happening. But when I watch those movies again later, I love them. Because I watched them alone.

Yes, I have seen this movie before. No, that does not mean that you can talk throughout the entire thing. I'm not going to tell you the ending or spoil it for anyone else. Just sit there, shut up, and watch the movie. 

Don't be one of those people. I hate those people. 

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