
8ish Reasons Why I Hate Being Sick

I'm still not entirely sure how I got sick.I woke up Friday, went to work, came home, watched TV, read, went to bed. Woke up Saturday, went to work, and partied hard. Sunday I woke up a bit dehydrated, went to work for an 8 hour shift and almost the second I clocked out I felt it. My throat was scratchy, I was exhausted more than usual, I got a case of the shivers and I screeched out "FUCK!" the second I got in my truck. I am fully aware that no one enjoys being sick, but in my head I hate it more than most people. I like to go out and have a good time. Due to my close relationship with technology, I have a severe case of self-diagnosed A.D.D. and can't seem to focus on too many things at once. When I'm sick, it's worse. I'm bored out of my mind but I can't do anything about it because I can't find the will to move. This week in particular I have found my sickness to be particularly inconvenient and irritating so I am here to do what I do best: complain about it. Here are my 8ish reasons why I hate being sick.

1. I can't fucking watch Dexter

If anyone tells me what happened in this weeks episode, I'll cut you. I tried once on Sunday night and passed out on the couch ten minutes into it. I tried again today and I fell asleep on the couch again. Dexter is one of the very few shows that I can watch without fiddling with my phone or getting antsy and because I'm so damn tired all the time if I sit there without doing anything but watch TV, *BOOM* I'm asleep. I just want to  see Michael C. Hall cut people up into tiny pieces and throw them in the ocean.

2. I can't do my homework. 

I may not be the most studious person in the world, but during the week I like to make at least a half-assed attempt at doing my homework. My this semester, my classes consist of Journalism, Global Communications, Early 17th Century British Literature, and Novel analysis. So clearly I'm supposed to be reading---a lot. I try and finish a good chunk of my reading during the week, whether I'm at work or at home or after work. At work I usually read and work on other homework when the store is slow and I have a late night shift or I go to Starbucks with friends when I get off of work. I can't focus at home because there are too many distractions---TV, movies, video games, other books, etc. Today I came home for lunch in between classes and to do some reading in the backyard but I ended up eating then falling asleep on the couch for two hours. In between my second and third class today i went to the library to read and again---I fell asleep. Now I like my sleep, but not when it gets in the way of my routine. 

3. My throat hurts

I have a fairly high pain tolerance but this sucker hurts! I don't even want to talk because it hurts so bad. On top of that it makes my voice even deeper than it already is! I am fully aware that I have an unusually deep voice normally, but this shit is terrible. My throat is scratchy and the only things that soothe it are ice cold foods and beverages. It's cold outside, I want a warm coffee not an ice cream. 

4. Medicine

I hate taking pills and powders and liquids and whatever else but I have no choice. I HATE Emergen-C because it tastes like crap but I've found that if I mix it with orange juice it's a little more tolerable. I don't mind taking pills but I don't like having to depend on some kind of chemical to make me feel better. 

5. I hate sleeping early

I am usually tired all the time but it's because I do a lot of things at night. I can do homework, research stuff, read, watch movies, write, whatever I want. My lack of sleep makes me feel like I've accomplished something even if I stay up late doing nothing. I just really hate going to sleep early. Most of the time I feel like it's just an inefficient way of living. That's a whole 8+ hours that you could've spent learning or something.  I don't know if I just have insomnia or what but I usually don't get tired until at least 3 am so sleeping before midnight is such a foreign concept to me. 

6. The dairy myth

You know how people tell you that it's not good for you to eat dairy when you're sick? Well my dad's told me that for years and I hate trying to avoid it. All of my favorite foods are dairy. Cheese. I love cheese more than Doug loved Patti Mayonnaise. I love cheese more than Dan Marino loves the Dolphins. Hell, I love cheese more than Hawaiians love Spam. I. Fucking. Love. Cheese. Not being able to eat cheese is like taking a baby's pacifier straight out of its mouth. It's like Batman being physically unable to subdue the Joker. It's like the Native American's didn't teach us how to grow crops. It's terrible and I hate it. All I want it cheese. 

7. The weekend

By the looks of it, I will still be sick over the weekend. There is NOTHING worse than being sick over the weekend. This coming Friday I have convinced a friend to throw a party at his house and I fully intend on attending said function whether or not I am sick. If it's not super contagious  I will be there. This Saturday is my first real day off since probably July. I will finally be able to be hungover in peace, not be bombarded with idiotic questions from people who are incapable of reading a bright yellow price tag. Then I will most likely go out again. This is what I want my weekend to consist of. I do not want to sit at home and do absolutely nothing. I will have fun, goddammit. Alcohol kills germs, right?

8. I had a number 8, but I forgot what it was

I have a thing where I need to have even numbers of everything. I've had it as far back as I can remember and I don't know why or how it came to rise in me. Some call it a fear, others call it OCD, I call it "I freak the hell out when I have to do things with odd numbers". I really did forget what I wanted to say for 8 though. 

That's all for today. I'm going to watch another indie horror movie on Netflix now. 

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