
Top Ten Thursday: 'Arry Potta'

Ok so I know that it's Friday. But I wrote most of this in a class on Thursday and took way too long of a nap Thursday afternoon. Then I started reading and didn't stop until around 4 am.

Now I'm at my friends house and remembered that I didn't post and I'm waiting for him to get ready so we can go out so here we go.  It's short because I'm in a hurry to go drink. Sue me. I'm thirsty.

Today's Top Ten Thursday is going to be about something near to my heart.
Harry Potter.

Earlier this week, I started re-reading the series and I realized something that I hope won't ruin the rest of it for me: a lot of the details surrounding Harry's protection are shady. Why would you leave the most important baby in the wizarding world on a doorstep in the middle of the night? What if a bum walking by saw the bundle and stole him? That's child abandonment right there!

There are a few other examples of these types of instances but that is not the point of this TTT.
Today we're going to talk about the top ten reasons why Harry Potter books are awesome.

10.  No matter at what age you pick up the book, you're transported to a magical world. It's a much more realistic approach to a fantasy world but at the same time it's completely full of wonder and imagination. I remember reading it for the first time and wishing that I could try a Chocolate Frog or play Quidditch. Harry Potter is a series that anyone of any age can pick up and enjoy. There's action and romance and an overwhelming sense of "what the fuck?"

9. Harry Potter books not only favor magic, but logic as well. Throughout the series, the characters have to use their brains far more often than they have to use magic. They take the time to figure things out and work together to get out of sticky situations.

8. I love Ron Weasley.

7. Even when I re-read the books, I am still entranced by what I'm reading.

6. The movies were different but good on their own. Except for the third one. That shit was terrible.

5. I will never not read them. It's a thing. Every couple of years I have to re-read it.

4. Fred and George Weasley are hilarious. They provide the comedic relief for the entire series. They know more than they let on, but they use their comedy to lighten the darkness of what's going on.

3.The overarching idea of the series is about the value of friendship. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are always together. No matter what happens, the three of them are always together.

2. Snape turned out to be kind of a stalker. I dig it. The love story behind Snape and Lily unnerving. Even after her death, he

1. Your ability to connect any one of your friends to a character in the story. My friend AJ and I have spent the last few days assigning different characters to people within our circle of friends. For example, we have determined that I am Ginny. The characters don't have to be primary, they can be secondary characters as well. Our friend Meg is really into cats so we've marked her as Mrs. Figg.

I have to go now. People are getting fussy. I have an idea for another post so check back in the next few days.

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