
TTT: V-Day Edition

John Stewart once said "Happy Valentine's Day! And this is news to you, my guess is you're probably alone. Valentine's Day is often times, well, it's a manufactured holiday that doesn't mean anything."

For days I have been combing the internet for a good 'singles awareness day' quote. I've never quite been able to put into words how I feel about this false holiday but John Stewart pretty much said it all.

I've always been fairly indifferent to February 14 because in reality it's just another day. The last few years I've just hung out with friends, watching movies and getting into shenanigans like any other Thursday night. The only thing that I've found really beneficial about Valentine's Day are the movies that come out. Even movies that have nothing to do about Valentine's Day remind me of Valentine's Day. Specifically, the RomComs.

I think by now you have realized how diverse my movie tastes are so it shouldn't surprise you that in recent years, I have grown an appreciation for the RomCom. Most people who are into RomComs are either in relationships already or they want to be in relationships in the near future. Or they live in fairytalemakebelieveland. I fall into zero of these catagories. Granted, my idea of a RomCom is very different from most others but if it makes me laugh and there's some weird stalker or violent crime element involved and two people live together in the end, I classify it as a RomCom. Even if they don't live together in the end, if I find something funny about it, it's a RomCom.

So without further ado, here is this week's Top Ten Thursday: V-Day Movie Edition.


#10:  He's Just Not That Into You

This is one of the more surprising ones. I didn't think that I was actually going to like it when I saw it, but I did. It was surprisingly funny and I thought it brought up a lot of good points that men and women don't understand about each other. The main character is one of the girls who lives in fairytalemakebelieveland and it takes a bartender played by Justin Long to snap her out of it. If you're sane, she'll make you want to punch her in the face for being so desperate and ridiculous. Now that I'm writing about it, I'm starting to forget why I picked this one. Bradley Cooper's in it. That's a plus.

#9: Adventureland

I don't know anyone who liked this movie except for me. It had its funny moments but I liked the coming of age meaning involved. Kristen Stewart is in it but she doesn't talk too much and makes the same facial expression throughout the movie so I got a kick out of making fun of her. The music is good and Ryan Reynolds is in it so naturally, it appeals to me.

#8: Definitely, Maybe

This is another typical RomCom. It has a variety of decent actors and it's fairly funny. Ryan Reynolds is in it.  Priorities. 

#7: When Harry Met Sally

Nora Ephron is highly underrated as a screenwriter. The witty dialogue between Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan makes the movie pretty brilliant. Although this is another one of the more RomCommy RomComs, it's a film that just about everyone should see. Behind all the romantic intentions the movie presents, the interactions that Harry and Sally have with one another over the years are very comical and can be seen as such even in a non-romantic perspective.

#6: Atonement

This is one of my favorite movies of all time and the only somber film on this list. There's a two part perspective of a very awkward library sex scene, which I love (naturally). War and anger and James Mcavoy. And there's possibly my least favorite character in a film, Briony (pronounced Bry-Knee). Every single time I watch a movie with Saoirse Ronan, I say the name Briony in a menacing tone. Totally ruined the actress for me. It's a film of love and loss and miscommunication. The end of the movie is probably one of the saddest realizations I've seen on film. This movie isn't very RomCommy, but it still reminds me of Valentines Day.
#5: Mean Girls

I can't have a RomCom list without the most quotable movie of my generation. "Stop trying to make 'fetch' happen." "Wanna do something fun? Wanna go to Taco Bell?" "YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US!" "Do you need someone to butter your muffin?" "If you're from Africa, then why are you white?" "I WANT MY PINK SHIRT BACK!"

If you haven't seen the one really good Lindsey Lohan movie, then what the hell are you doing with your life?

#4: Crazy, Stupid, Love

I was surprised at how much I loved this movie. I shouldn't have been all that surprised because it has a slew of great actors such as Steve Carell, Emma Stone, and Ryan Gosling's abs (Priorities people. Priorities). Oh, and Kevin Bacon too. 

This movie is just genuinely funny. There's a mix-up, a 13 year old's first love, a scandalous affair, and a nerdy girl makes 'sexy' photos for Steve Carell. 

#3: Cruel Intentions

I'm trying really hard not to just 

A) type out quotes from this movie 


B) type out "hahahahahaha"

because this movie is the shit. It's supposed to be the super scandalous drama about sexcapades and blackmail but for me it's hilarious. Selma Blair is insanely stupid and Ryan Phillipe is insanely hot. There's a secret society and cocaine. "It's like an explosion...but a good one."

And if you like this one, check out the second one. Not as funny but still highly entertaining. 

Stay away from the third one though. Shit gets weird.

#2: Garden State

Another one of the more somber films on today's list. This sort-of-RomCom has a very dry sense of humor. Although I have heard that Zach Braff is an asshole in person, his directorial debut will always be one of my favorites. Both Braff and Natalie Portman really dive into their characters and have excellent chemistry. This movie is about a weird little town in New Jersey with weird people in it. It shows what it's like to really be stuck in life yet you can still find people to identify with. This movie has been one of my 'go-to's' for years and I don't think I can ever get tired of watching it.
#1: Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

Hypothetical scenario: You have the privileged of watching a movie with me and my best friend and we pick Nick and Norah. Your answer should always be "No." You don't want to watch this movie with us because we quote Every. Single. Line. I went through a phase where I would stay up all night studying for finals and just have this movie on repeat. I love this movie too much for words. This is probably Michael Cera at his peak but I don't care. I have the movie poster on my wall. The soundtrack is fantastic. I think I might have an obsession. The movie is about an epic New York adventure in search for a band's secret show. It's the one thing I want to do before I die. I want to go on an all night hunt in search of a good band. Jesus and pants-less altar-boys are involved. It's a good time.

So yeah, that's my list of good V-Day/RomCom movies. Before I take off for the day, I'd like to make a few honorable mentions that you should check out. If you're bored tonight and want a good movie to watch either alone or with a loved one, I suggest watching any of the movies I've mentioned in today's post. Some of them are only funny due to sheer ridiculousness of situation and character.
- Swimfan
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
- Anchorman
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
- Tiny Furniture 
-  Pulp Fiction

I had a lot more in mind but I'm at school and they're all sitting in my chair at home. I'm pretty hungry so my brain isn't functioning at 100% at the moment. 

In case you're wondering what I'm actually doing tonight, I'll tell you just for shits and giggles. 

Right now the plan is to drink a bottle of wine and watch either Fight Club or Top Gun with my best friend via phone call because we have super exciting love lives.  

That's it. I'm done. I'm hungry. So have a good Valentine's Day. Hopefully you'll get some action. Lord knows I won't. 

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