
Top Ten Thursday: Luck of the Irish

I almost can't believe that it's St. Patrick's Day again.This is one of the most holy days of the year for 22 year old college students such as myself. It's a great excuse to spend three days in a row liquored up and blacked out.The booze, the celebrations, the one day a year when the general public loves gingers--what's not to love?

This year, my plans are up in the air. The big day is on Sunday and I have no idea how I'm spending my weekend celebrations. All I have in my Google calendar is "DRUNKEN LEPRECHAUNS." If you're like me and don't know what you're doing on this magical day, then you're in luck because I have come up with a list of ten things for you to try. 

10. Dirty Shamrock shake

As a general rule, I don't like to go to McDonalds unless I am drunk and in need of chicken nuggs. March is the exception to this rule. The Shamrock Shake is probably one of the greatest innovations in ice cream based beverages in this century. The only thing that I can think of to make this deliciousness taste even better is Irish Whiskey. The Irish love their whiskey and their shamrocks, so why not put the two together? Go ahead, spike your Shamrock Shake. I suggest Jameson for your whiskey choice to keep it Irish but it's really up to you. If it tastes bad then at least you will have a good buzz going.

9. Go to a party

If this needs explanation, then you're not doing college right. 

Even if you don't drink on a regular basis like I do, I suggest that you drink as much as you physically can on St. Patrick's Day. If you're strapped for cash and want to hang out in a familiar environment, then go to a party. Hang out with your friends. Do something stupid. Drink a shit-ton of whiskey.

8. Go to an Irish pub

It's fun. Trust me.

7. Drink Green Beer

I myself have never done this, but hopefully this year will be my year. Every year I tell myself "you'll get it this year" but I usually go to parties where green beer is not present. This year, I know that I'll be going to a bar at some point this weekend so I hold on to my hopes!

6. Irish Carbomb it up

Fill a pint glass 2/3 with Guinness. Pour half a shot of Jameson into a shot glass, then layer Bailey's on top of that. Drop the shot glass into the Guinness and chug before the Bailey's curdles. 

After a few of these, they taste like chocolate milk. Well, at least in my drunk head they do. 

5. Pinch the heathens

Those who poop on the party must be punished with pain.

4. Capture leprechauns and demand your pot of gold

Run up to every person that is shorter than you, grab them around the waist or by the arm or whatever body part you want and shout "WHERE'S MY GOLD?" 

Keep holding on to them until they give you booze, candy, gold, or start to call for security. 

3. Listen to Dropkick Murphys and Flogging Molly

Traditional music of the Irish potato famine.

2. Do a jig

Traditional dance of the Irish potato famine.

1. Always drink the green punch

Last year, I went to a St. Patrick's Day party at my friend Kyne's apartment in Irvine. To this day, I still do not know what was in the jungle juice he made, but it was green and amazing. If you find yourself at a party and there is green punch involved, drink it. It will taste like drinking liquid leprechaun magic in your mouth. It might even turn you into a leprechaun. 

Or you might get roofied. YOLO? 

*WARNING: Drinking too much of the green punch may result in you curled up in the fetal position on an air mattress in your friend's apartment where you will spend your day watching all of the Twilight movies in order.*

So, there you have it. I haven't done all of these but the ones I have have never failed to show me a good time. So go on, young ones. Drink the green beverages. Throw back a Carbomb or two. Or five. Spike your milkshake. Catch a leprechaun. Celebrate the Irish the best way you know how: drunk.
And if you see me out on the town on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, buy me a Guinness because I am broke.


With the advice of Sarah, I have broken into the Tumblr world. I still don't really understand how to use it, but I have set up a Tumblr page to use as a photo blog type thingamajig, despite my hatred of photo blogs. 

If I am friends with you in reality, then you might have noticed an abundance of Batman photos popping up on my Facebook and Instagram accounts

I know, you're thinking "Why would I want to see them if you're raping my other social media sites with the same photos?" 

Well you're in luck because not all of the photos you see on Instagram and Facebook will be on the blog! 

Confused? I don't doubt it. Just log onto http://batmanlikestoboogie.tumblr.com/ to follow and check it out. I plan on updating it at least every other day so take a look and see what kind of shenanigans Batman gets himself into.

In other news, Sarah is also trying to get me to explore other regions of the internet (not porn) so in the near future, I might have something else planned for your internet browsing enjoyment. 

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