Can you dispute that? Cat pictures are goddamn adorable. I hate cats. I do. You can't really play with them, they're moodier than a 17 year old girl on her period, they never have the decency to throw up in a toilet or their litter box, they scratch the hell out of your couches...I could go on and on.
However, internet cats are a whole different story. Internet cats are gloriously majestic creatures. They do funny things, some of them are unbelievably retarded looking, and Grumpy Cat...well she's just fucking cool.
I have several friends who are really into cats, but no one follows cats on the internet like Meg. Meg loves internet cats so much, that when I'm bored I will just Google cat pictures and post them on her Facebook wall to distract her from whatever work she's doing. I did this to Meg about an hour ago, and that gave me the idea for today's topic.
Also, I've recently learned that Meggy reads this blog every week so it's about time I gave her a shout out. Shut up, Meg.
That, and I forgot it was Thursday until about an hour ago when I was posting cat pictures on her Facebook wall.
10. Princess Monster Truck
Hide yo' kids. |
9. Internet cats are on the internet
These felines are not really in front of me, therefore I do not have to deal with litter boxes or hairballs or getting my stuff ruined by their claws of destruction. I love that I can look at them and I don't have to endure being around them.
8. Sometimes, they do some gosh darn adorable things
How can you not love sushi cat? |
7. Cat memes
Cat memes are some of the funniest memes on the internet. I went through a phase a few years ago when I would just browse and look at hilarious cat pictures. I can't even properly express to you how funny some of these are. I mean look at this one! Go home Russian Cat, you're drunk.
6. This guy
I don't know who this furry beast is, but I like his angry face and his soft furry body.
He seems like a pretty cool cat. I really hope that his owners take more photos of him and never shave his fur because this just might be the next Grumpy Cat. He is a majestic feline that has not yet been able to make his claim to fame, but I want him to know that I love him and his evil ways.
5. Daniel
Daniel is not an internet cat, but he is a fantastic cat that everyone should love. He is the one real- life cat that I have ever liked and that's because he follows me
around and just lays around, waiting to be fed and petted. In essence, Daniel is just like me. If I was a cat, I would want to be Daniel.
Minus the gimp foot. And the Diabetes.
He belongs to my friends' parents, and whenever they go out of town he gets shipped off to my friends' apartment. I make it a point to go over and hang out with him because he is amazing. He just limps around and wants to sleep and eat and play. Daniel is the cat that all real cats should aspire to be. I would vote for Daniel for Cat President if he ran for office.
4. They have their own Instagrams
How ridiculous is that? I don't even...
Their owners clearly post the photos of them but it's just plain nutty to present yourself as a cat who makes captions and take photos of themselves. I'm looking at Lil' Bub's Instagram now and he has 114,000 followers. Do you know how many followers I have? 110. I have been out-followed by a cat.
3. Unlike other internet trends, cats have been big for years
Cats are big now, and they were big when Myspace was a thing. Internet cats are just too much of an internet phenomenon to go out of style. Some are funny to look at, some are terrifying to look at, and others have brilliant captions above and below their photos. No one will ever understand why, but cats have invaded the internet. And we are more than willing to had cyberspace over to them.
2. Grumpy Cat
Grumpy Cat is probably the most famous cat on the internet. You can't deny loving her angry faced captions and the burning looks of hatred that she gives her viewers. Not much is known about Grumpy Cat, other than the fact that she is an extremely mean-natured female cat. She is never satisfied with anything and is very popular in the cat community. Meg's obsession with internet cats all started with Grumpy Cat and has expanded to something even she did not see coming. Grumpy Cat was a big boom for the internet cat world, and she has taken it by storm. She is a fierce cat who loves no one, and that is why we love her.
1. Lil' Bub
I had to make Lil' Bub's picture so big Because I wanted you to get the full grasp of his cuteness. Lil' Bub has become my favorite internet cat, because he's so little and retarded looking. His little tongue is permanently sticking out of his mouth and his big eyes are just so bright and full of excitement. Every video or photo I have seen of Lil' Bub just makes him look likes he's the happiest cat in the world. He is the one cat that I follow on Instagram because I think I love him. If all cats were like Lil' Bub, the world would be a much happier place.
You're welcome, school wallpaper. |