
Top Ten Thursday: Childhood Movies

All week long I've nerded out. I've been watching a whole lot of "Dr. Who" and playing a whole lot of Pokemon. I'm currently watching a Sci-Fi show that was described to me as "Sci-Fi soft-core porn" earlier this week by someone who doesn't really like Sci-Fi (the text I just sent said exactly this: ' I'm watching that soft-core porn show you recommended'). I've been on a major Sci-Fi kick all week. I was ready to write tonight's Top Ten Thursday about something involving Sci-Fi but something my Dad said changed my mind. I was sitting on the couch with my Dad, enjoying our turkey burgers with avocado and flipping through the channels when I stumbled upon the movie Se7en. It was only the last 20 minutes of the movie, but when I settled on it my Dad turned to me and asked "Do you think it's weird that this has been one of your favorite movies since you were a kid?" and that got me thinking. My childhood was by no means painful or anything close to that, but the one thing I remember is watching movies with my Dad that kids my age wouldn't have been allowed to watch until they were in their teens and in all honesty, it explains a lot about me now. So that brings me to today's TTT: My favorite childhood movies. Keep in mind that these do not include movie series. Those are in an entirely different category. 

#10: Desperado

Whenever I think of this movie, I think of being really small and being told to hide behind the couch during the Antonio Banderas-Salma Hayek sex scene. We watched this so many times when I was a kid, that nowadays if you get my Dad and I drunk enough at the same time, we will sing Antonio Banderas' opening song in Spanish. And we don't even properly speak Spanish. Few people know this, but this was one of Tarentino's first productions. He's even in the first ten minutes of the movie. Most people will remember the movie Once Upon A Time In Mexico from a few years back. When people think of that movie, they think of Johnny Depp. When I think of that movie, I think of it as "the not so successful sequel to Desperado. Most people don't even realize it's a sequel until they see the first movie. 

#9: The Jerk and My Blue Heaven

"I was born a poor black man" and "Arugula. It's a vegetable" are two of the funniest movie lines I can think of. Why? Because they were both said by Steve Martin. I don't want to spoil either movie for anyone, but know this: they're hilarious. The Jerk and My Blue Heaven are classic Steve Martin movies. When people our age think of him, they think of The Pink Panther and the Cheaper by the Dozen movie. No one really recognizes how funny he is. These two movies are on the same number because in my eyes, they are equals. He plays two completely different characters in these movies and they are both equally as hilarious.

#8: L.A. Confidential

This was one of Russell Crowe's first roles and it's damn good. Kevin Spacey is in it so clearly it's going to be a good movie. As I'm looking at the list of movies I've compiled, I realize that he might be my favorite actor. I won't tell you exactly what this movie's about, but know that it involves guns and cops. There's a whole lot of violence and we all know I am a fan of violent movies. 

#7: The Lion King

Do I even have to explain this one? This is one of my favorite Disney movies. When it came out on VHS, I would watch it over and over and over because it was awesome. Also, who didn't have a crush on Jonathon Taylor Thomas?

#6: Animal House

This National Lampoon Classic is hilarious. If you liked Van Wilder (let's be real, who doesn't love Ryan Reynolds?) then you should definitely watch Animal House. It's about a fraternity battle and there's sex and booze and so many comedic situations. This movie is probably one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. 

#5: Aladdin

This is my all time favorite Disney movie. When it was re-released in theaters in the early '90s, my Dad would take me to see it at least 3 times a week after school. I loved it and still do. As many times as I saw it in theaters, that last scene with Jafar as the cobra would always freak me out. We could've seen it for the third or forth time that week and every single time he turned into the snake, I would freak out and sit on the floor because I thought he was looking at me. I wouldn't say that i get freaked out about it now, but it still gives me goosebumps for some reason. 

#4: Se7en

No matter what I'm doing, if this movie is on TV then I'm watching it. Kevin Spacey really freaked me out as a kid because of his role as John Doe, which as my friends know, is difficult to do. This film is probably one of my all-time favorites. It's got Morgan Freeman, young Brad Pitt, Gwyneth Paltrow and the dude who played the original Shaft ("shutchomouf"). It's an excellent detective movie and now that he's gotten older, my Dad said it freaks him out. If you're into serial killer movies, this is one you should see if you haven't already. "WHAT'S IN THE BOX?!?"

#3: The Usual Suspects

Another Kevin Spacey classic. In this film he plays a cripple who is trying to help the FBI catch a criminal mastermind by the name of Keyser Soze. The question of the whole film is "who is Keyser Soze?" so I suggest watching the movie to find out because I'm not going to spoil the ending. 

#2: Jurassic Park

I know I said that I wouldn't talk about series but to be fair, this was the only one I really liked. The third movie is my second favorite but this movie was my childhood. I have always wanted Jurassic Park to be a real place. I want to go there and hang out with the dinosaurs. I actually had to get a second VHS tape of this movie because I wore the first one out in a year. "SHOOT 'AH!" will always make me chuckle. Even now when I watch this movie, I yearn for a dinosaur adventure. This movie never freaked me out or scared me. It just made me want a pet T-Rex.

#1: Batman: Mask of the Phantasm

Whenever someone asks me what my favorite Batman movie is, I always say Mask of the Phantasm. If you're reading this and consider yourself a Batman fan and you haven't seen this movie, then you are a Bat-failure. This movie goes back and forth into Bruce's past and present as well as The Joker's former profession before he became the clown prince of crime. Even now I will say that this is the best animated film I've ever seen. If you like Batman at all, you need to find this movie and watch it. 

Damn, now I want to watch Batman. 

But yes reader(s) (welcome back from Florida, Sarah), these are my favorite childhood movies. Yes, they are really unconventional in terms of a childhood but I'm going to tell you the same thing I responded to my father when he asked me if it's weird. "Does it really surprise you?"


Holy Kevin Bacon, Batman!

As I have previously stated, I am currently unemployed. So naturally I have been sitting around the house reading and playing video games for the last three weeks. Well, except for the weekends when I spend my days sleeping and my nights making memories with friends, but that's another story entirely. Yesterday I decided to give my eyes a rest and watched a bunch of movies that I never got to see in theaters. This went on from around 1pm when I woke up until around 8pm when I watched a "Criminal Minds" marathon.

My parents think it's weird that I can sit around for hours watching a show about serial killers and not get freaked out. Mostly because every time there is a "Criminal Minds" marathon on TV, I get way too engrossed in it. Although I am not one to pass up a good blood and gore fest, it's mostly the psychology behind their motives that I find interesting about "Criminal Minds". What Is their justification for all of this? How do they keep their focus with the FBI breathing down their necks? These are the things that I think about while watching the show. Oh, and Shemar Moore because he is a glorious specimen of man.

After the marathon ended, I decided to check out Kevin Bacon's new show on FOX called "The Following". From the trailer the only things I knew about it was Kevin Bacon, and some girl stabbing herself. My Dad had recorded it and since my OnDemand was fucking up, I decided to give it a shot. I wasn't really paying attention because I was playing a new game on my phone for the first half of the episode, but HOLY SHIT it is awesome! Just now, I watched the episode without any distractions and felt the same way I did last night. I never realized how much I like Kevin Bacon until this show. His movies are usually ok, nothing too special or extraordinary, but this show is something great.

I don't want to spoil it too much, but basically Kevin Bacon is an ex-FBI agent with a pace-maker. He's called in as a "consultant" to help the agency find a serial killer who escaped from prison. Before he was caught, this killer was a Professor of Literature at a local college and his victims were some of his female students. His literary inspiration for his killings? Edgar Allan Poe. Yes, it's a little cliche but Poe always makes for an interesting muse. As the episode goes on, we learn that he had a large following of fans and admirers while in prison. When he breaks out, he gives them instructions  and the Feds soon learn how many steps behind the killer they are. He's nuts and sadistic and he loves books. I like books and shows about serial killers so this show is right up my alley.

The trailer for the next episode stated that it's a 14 week show so I have a feeling that it's going to be a miniseries. As disheartening as that is, I'm ok with it. Shows that go on and on with a plot that will obviously end tend to  get a little out of control stupid (i.e. "LOST") but a miniseries like this is short and to the point. Another miniseries similar to this was "Harper's Island" from a few years back. It was another serial killer whodunnit mystery that was fairly well done.

With that being said, unless something better comes along "The Following" is my favorite new show of the season. I hope it only gets better from here. If you're into "Criminal Minds" or other shows like it you should check out "The Following". Oh, but only if you have the stomach for it. It's pretty bloody.


Top 10 Thursday: Reasons Why the Pokemon Games are Awesome

Because I am a fairly honest person, I'm going to be straight with you: I forgot it was Thursday. I had been playing Pokemon all afternoon and had forgotten to eat, so around 8pm I made a bold attempt to create chicken nachos. Somewhere in between cooking the chicken and getting the cheese out of the fridge, i remembered that it was Thursday. I'm sorry. 

Tonight's post is going to be inspired by my lack of social life for the last two weeks. Don't get me wrong, I went out over the weekend, but other than that I've been sitting in my room reading. Yesterday, I began a quest that 7 year old Ktez would be quite proud of. Yesterday, I started playing Pokemon: Emerald. When I first received the game as a gift, I thought it to be too difficult because I don't know any of the Pokemon after generation two. After about two years of ownership, I have decided to finally tackle the game. After about 16 hours of gameplay, I have found that my lack of current Pokemon knowledge has no reflection on my ability to play the game. With that being said, tonight's post is going to be short because I'm itching to get back to my game.

10. It doesn't matter which version you're playing, they're all maintain the same concept: to get to the Elite 4. Although that might sound boring, it's not. Each game contains different obstacles between cities. For example, in the original Red and Blue versions of the game, there is a gym leader in every town you come across but in Emerald not every city or town has a gym leader. This extends gameplay and makes it a little less straightforward.

9. Everyone can be unique with they're Pokemon choices. Not everyone uses the same strategy to defeat their opponents. 

8. Although the Missing No: cheats are only applicable to the original versions of the game, it's still a pretty awesome glitch. Who doesn't love 999 Rare Candies? 

7. Mewtwo is one badass mother fucker of a science experiment gone wrong. For awhile now, it has been my goal to make an entire line up of Mewtwos on one game. One day...

8. Although the newer games are filled with newer Pokemon, a few of the original 151 show up now and again. 

7. The games are waaaaaaaay better than the show. I mean, the first season was excellent, but the Orange Islands are when the show started going downhill. 

6. I can play, play, play, play, play and never get tired of it. 

5. Nothing makes me happier than giving my character a weird name. Right now my character's name is Batman. If I'm not mistaken, on my most recent play of Blue I named my character Badass and my rival is named Bitch.

4. Gold and Silver were excellent follow-ups to Red and Blue. 

3. They're good for a a rainy day or when I'm sick. Pretty much, it's a good way to pass the time. 

2. The Pokemon games introduced me to gambling. Whenever I find the casino in the game, I take a break from regular gameplay and play the slots. Reminds me of the Vegas. I love the Vegas...

1. Nothing gives you more satisfaction than raising a Magikarp into a Gyrados. He is one mighty beast of a Pocket Monster. 

See? Short. Now, back to more important things. I'm in a cave. I hate caves.


Top Ten Thursday: Bar Drinks

So this TTT is about one of my favorite hobbies: drinking! This is mostly for those who have not yet turned the ripe old age of 21 but it can also apply to those who are fairly new or not big drinkers and have no clue what to order when out at a bar. Some of these discuss their ingredients and others do not. Why? Because I don't feel like looking it up and these are the ones that I know off the top of my head. I have tasted them all and as usual they will be listed from my least favorite to my favorite. Keep in mind that some bars pour heavier than others, but most of these drinks are very hard to screw up. If they are really, really wrong, then you're probably at PJ's in Long Beach. Now it's time for the fun to begin!

10. Midori Sour

Now I just spent a good 20 minutes looking for a picture of one because Drunxican has a habit of taking pictures of her drinks and posting them on Facebook, but for the life of me I can't find one. But that's probably because I was drinking Midori Sours right after I turned 21. This drink is sweet. If you're new to the bar scene and you're not sure what to get, this is the drink for you. It's sweet but it's also mostly alcohol. And I just remembered where I have a picture of this. Hold that thought. 

Anyway this drink is pretty tasty and if it's made right you can't taste the alcohol in it. Although if you're a dude, you'll look kind of like a pansy because this drink is bright green.

Clearly it is the drink that I have circled in red. If you're curious about the other drinks, the red one is most likely a vodka cranberry, if I'm not mistaken the one behind it is called a Cactus Cooler (a shooter turned into a drink) and only a handful of bars know how to make it, and the big blue one is something delicious that I will talk about later on. Back on point: A midori sour is a good drink to consider if you don't really want to get drunk or if you want to get drunk on something tasty but feel like you have some cash to spend. Again, I drank this back when I first turned 21. At the time my tolerance was not like it is now. A couple of these plus a shot and I was set for the night. Now it would take 4-6 of these to get me to a good level of drunkenness. 

9.  Lemon Drop

This classic martini is dangerous. It might taste super delicious, but it is not something to be tampered with. You'll drink one and think "well that's not strong at all!" and after 3 or 4 you're done. I almost never get this one, but it's just a personal preference. It still tastes pretty good if you're in the mood to be classy. I'm never that classy.

8. Rum and Coke

This is another drink that I would get when I was 21. I was really looking for something with flavor and this drink is very simple and very tasty. It's made up of two ingredients: rum and coke. Actually now that I'm thinking about it, this was the very first drink that touched my lips. It's not difficult to mess up and just like any basic drink, you get to pick what kind of rum you use. For example, my mom is partial to Malibu and coke. I personally hate Malibu and would usually go for some Captain Morgan but really, it's up to you. If you go to a bar and say "rum and coke" they'll probably give you whatever the house rum is. It's usually some cheap shit-tier brand but hey, whatever gets the job done right?

7. Margarita

I am a strong believer that tequila was invented by sadistic Mexicans who got tired of straight rubbing alcohol. Tequila and I are not friends at all. I know that because of my Mexican and Spanish blood, I should be able to handle tequila like no one else but I am ashamed to admit that it is exactly the opposite. I mean, I drink it anyway, but it destroys my liver. With that being said, margaritas are delicious. This is a drink that just about everyone has had at some point or another. It's tasty whether or not it's strong. Margaritas come in a variety of different flavors and you can drink them on the rocks or blended like a smoothie. My personal preference is on the rocks but hey, whatever floats your boat. 

6. Lynchburg Lemonade

One of the funniest bar moments that I ever experienced took place when ordering a Lynchburg Lemonade. The person I was hanging out with at the time ordered one and the bartender looked at her and said "Um...I don't think we have any Lynchburg." Looking back, I'm sure that our immediate laughter caused the bartender to spit in our drinks but when you have to explain that whiskey is the main alcoholic ingredient in a Lynchburg Lemonade then there's an issue. Lynchburg Lemonade is Jack Daniels whiskey, sprite, sweet and sour mix, and triple sec. It has nothing to do with lemonade. But I promise you right now, it's damn delicious when it's made right. 

5. Whiskey Sour

Whiskey Sours are another classic drink similar to a whiskey coke or like the previous stated rum and coke. It's very difficult to screw up and no matter where you go, people know how to make a whiskey sour.

4. Irish Car Bomb

This one's tricky because it's a shot, not a drink. Or is it a shooter? I don't know. Drink enough of them and they taste like chocolate milk. My friends and I have developed a birthday tradition where we go to our favorite Irish pub and once the whole group is together, we all get a round or two of  Irish Car Bombs. This will warm your tummy right up.  Irish Car Bombs are: 3/4 Guinness in a pint glass, take a shot glass of half Bailey's Irish Cream and half Jameson Irish Whiskey, making sure to layer the Bailey's on the bottom. The next move has to be done quickly or else the cream will curdle and it'll be gross. Take the shot glass, drop it in the Guinness and CHUG CHUG CHUG! Some people like to pour the shot in the pint glass instead of dropping it in but for me, that's a cop-out and eliminates the word "Bomb" from the title. In that case it would be just called an Irish Car. And that's not cool.
This is pre-chug. As you can see, things can get messy.

3. Beer
Beer is easy. Everyone has their preference in beer and the alcohol percentage varies on the beer. There are darks, lights, stouts, IPAs, etc. I may not be a fan of dark beer, but I love Irish dark beers like Smithwicks and Guinness. I also enjoy Mexican beers like Pacifico, Corona, and Dos Equis. Lately I've been interested in locally brewed beers. I'm not usually a fan of IPAs but I've found a couple locally brewed ones that I like. It all depends on the person and their taste preference  Beer is an acquired taste but here's how I got over it: I played a lot of beer pong and actually drank the beer. 
This Big Swell IPA was fairly good. I got it in Maui over my most recent vacation.
Don't get the Oatmeal Stout. It's not good. The Banana Bread beer is damn good though.
Guinness is my favorite beer and this was my Thanksgiving present. To me, from me. 
I bought Mythos because it has a unicorn on the label. Both beers shown are good. Great White is a locally brewed beer and Mythos is from Greece.

2. Whiskey Coke
This is usually my go-to drink. Whenever I'm just looking to chill with my friends at a bar or even at a party, whiskey cokes are a classic beverage. Irish pubs tend to make them stronger than other bars I've been to but on occasion if you find a good dive bar that pours with a heavy hand, then you're good to go. They can be strong or weak. If you couldn't tell, I like my drinks strong. If I'm out and about and I don't feel like getting drunk or feel like a beer, I can usually be found with a strong whiskey coke in my hand. 

1. Adios Mother Fucker

Read the name and think about it. It's awful and incredible at the same time. This deliciousness is the drink to get if you're ready to get wasteface. I've had good ones, I've had bad ones, but no matter where I go, if I'm in a bad mood or a particular wingman is with me, I get this drink. Actually when I went out last Thursday, I had three of them. The photo on the right is of my first one of that night. This drink never fails to get me. Rarely do I just stick to one Adios. It's all in the name. This drink is a little bit of everything. Bacardi 151, tequila, gin, whiskey, blue curacao  vodka, and a dash of sprite. And I use the term dash lightly. Whenever it's someone's 21st birthday (sadly I don't think there are any left within my group of friends), I like to buy them one of these. I don't know why I keep getting this drink not only because tequila and I aren't friends, but also because 151 is my worst enemy.  AMFs (as they are commonly known) are the perfect drinks to have when you've had an absolutely terrible day and you really need to let loose for the night. If you're prone to blackout from drinking, then you probably should not have an AMF. I have a friend who used to get them but she realized that they just about knock her out when made the right way (strong) so she had to stop drinking them. I don't know why I love them so much but now I want one. Dammit. I knew I should've gone out tonight.

Well, there it is folks. My top ten favorite bar drinks. With the exception of the Lynchburg Lemonade incident, I have never been to a bar that didn't know how to make or serve these drinks. They're all delicious and most of them are good for chilling with friends or a wild night out on the town. I strongly suggest that you give all of them a try at least once. 

As for my Unemployment Logs, tentatively look forward to one tomorrow afternoon before I go out. It depends on what time I wake up. I'm going to watch a show that needs my undivided attention and I'm tired of thinking today. Party on, Russians. And Sarah.


Unemployment Log: Day 4

When I returned from vacation, I learned that I had been terminated from the shitty grocery store where I worked. Truth be told, I had spent my two weeks at sea anticipating that I would return to the mainland jobless and broke. My friends and old coworkers have been super supportive and helpful, but frankly I'm kind of glad it happened. I had been getting fed up with the politics of everything and although I will miss my friends, I needed a mental break. The downside is that I'm broke and my attention span is minimal. I've decided to keep a log on my life post grocery store until I get a new job.


The day everything was finalized, I remained surprisingly calm. I went into the store, the Culkin gave me my final check and told me I was fired with an annoyingly happy smile on her face, and I left. I drove down the street to the Bruins' apartment, filled out an application for another grocery store chain, and we went to lunch. Sarah had to run some errands and I didn't have anything else planned until later in the evening so I ran some errands with her. We went to Best Buy, I bought some DVDs, we went to her parents' house, I played with their cat until he got feisty and tried to bite me. From there we went to the used bookstore because the book Sarah had gotten me for Christmas this year was the exact same book that she bought me for Christmas last year. We hung out there talking about books and things for a good hour or so. Then we went back to the apartment and watched Zoolander with Kate while I started writing "Top Ten Thursday". Later that night I went to the pub up the street from my house with my friend Mike and one of his friends. We drank and drank and drank until the pub closed at midnight, then in our drunken stupor decided to go to another nearby bar and drink more. Needless to say, I spent most of my Friday hungover.

Day 2

My morning was spent curled up in a ball in my room moaning in hungover agony. Eventually I got up and got something to eat. I ran an errand in Buena Park and decided that since I was already there, I'd get a California Burrito at Albertacos with a friend and his stepbrother. Then I came home, took a nap, went over to Matt's, we got some food, decided to call up some friends and see what they were doing, then we played a whole lot of beer pong. I may not be employed but my BP skills are at a high right now. At one point my friend Katee was standing on a chair and we danced around her because she was the tallest person in the room. Then there was a Beach Boys dance party happening. Devon started a new dance craze called 'The Tommy Pickles". It was a good time. Then I came home and watched a whole lot of Rugrats on Netflix.

Day 3

I woke up around 2 in the afternoon, filled out an online application talked on the phone for a bit, finished up Top Ten Thursday and watched more Rugrats. Snowflake called and asked me what I was doing. We were going to hang out but I didn't want to drive all the way downtown then back to Devon's so I ate at home and left around 9. Team SnowTez went 4-0 before we were very badly defeated. Snowflake was sick so I drank everything. Had a couple of shots and got way too drunk to play. I ended up trolling and I know that there's a few pictures of my troll time on Snowflakes phone. She fell asleep, leaving me to hang with the boys. We sang and danced to songs such as "My Heart Will Go On" and "I Can Feel It Coming In The Air Tonight". I got home around 3:30, ate the rest of the pasta I made for dinner, did the dishes, and started watching Rugrats again. 

Day 4

Scraps called me around 1 to wake me up and we talked on the phone for a while. After we hung up, I made some egg sandwiches, and watched TV while I ate. Katee had told me that the CPK downtown is hiring and although I really don't want to work in a restaurant, I decided that any job is better than no job at this point. I showered and whatnot then drove downtown still trying to decide whether or not I wanted to apply there. I parked angrily because I hate paying for parking. I went inside, got an application and was told to go back on Tuesday at 4 for an interview with the manager. Then I walked by the $1 Bookstore and hung out there for a few hours. At one point, there was this small black kid who exclaimed "IT'S MARTIN LUTHER KING!" in the African-American section and I did my best not to laugh out loud. I stumbled upon an old Patricia Cornwell mystery series that my Mom used to listen to in the form of books-on-tape when I was in elementary school so I decided to pick up the first three now that I am old enough to understand them. And now... well I just ate a bowl of cereal for dinner. And I'll probably watch Netflix until I fall asleep. 

So...yeah. That's what being unemployed and broke is like. It involves heavy drinking, Netflix, and whatever food I can find around the house. Here's to hoping something more eventful will happen within the next few days.  

As my close friends know, I have a very short attention span and if I'm not doing anything productive then I tend to get really bored and do shit like write blog posts about being unemployed. So expect a few more of these until I get another job.


Top Ten Thursday: Music Albums

(I know that this is posted on Saturday. The intro and #s 10-7 were written on Thursday. I went out with some friends Thursday night, was way too drunk to finish it when I got home, spent Friday morning curled up in a hungover ball of pain, then had to run some errands and went out again. So I'm finishing it now. Next week though...official start of Top Ten Thursday)

Over my vacation, I noticed that I use the phrase "That's in my top ten [enter category here]." I also have decided that Thursday is probably my favorite day of the week because for the average college student Thursdays kick off the weekend. Those two completely different thoughts brought on my new theme about my Top Ten whatever I want to talk about. So prepare yourselves for a whole new Thursday.

To kick off my first Top Ten Thursday, I have left the topic of discussion to my one reader, Sarah. After much debate, she has chosen the category of Top Ten Music Albums. Keep in mind,  this will cover all genres of music, not any one specific genre. I listen to much more than these choices and have been called a music snob more than a few times so bear with me here. So really these are just my top ten favorite music albums of all time. 

I've decided to do top 11 because I'm posting this 3 days late. And because I wanted all of these to be recognized.

11. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles

I don't know if it's the cleverness of the cover or because everyone has their own theories to what "Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds" was really about but this album just takes you to another world. Now I have never been on an acid trip or anything even close to that, but try listening to this album straight through in one sitting and you will know what I'm talking about. "A Day in the Life" is possibly one of the most instrumentally unique songs ever written in terms of the actual instruments they used vs. how they sound like to the naked ear. When people think of The Beatles, they think of "Help!" and "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" and they know that they changed the musical world forever, but for me this album started it all.

10.  Silent Alarm by Bloc Party

This album brings back a lot of memories for me. I remember being 16 years old and stumbling upon a little gem entitled "Helicopter" and thinking: 'What the fuck am I listening to?" I don't remember exactly where or how I came across it (I think it was my neighbor), but I remember listening to "Blue Light" and "This Modern Love" over and over when I started dating. This British indie rock band is not very well known, but their debut album is worth a listen. All of their albums are good and very weird, but this album on it's own was one that helped change the way I personally listen to music. Six years later, my personality has changed tenfold but I still hold this album to pretty high esteem.

9. Parachutes by Coldplay

There are very few albums out there that do not have any "decent" tracks, but have nothing but excellent ones. Coldplay is one of those bands that changes their sound with every album, but Parachutes is one of the best. If you're one of those people who think "Coldplay is gay" but this debut album always comes to mind whenever someone makes fun of them. If you have never heard the song "Sparks", then you should. It's a song that literally every adult can identify with no matter what stage they are in life. I can't even express how good this album is in words.

8. Writer's Block by Peter, Bjorn, and John

Just by the name of the band, I know you're thinking "What the fuck is this" but go ahead and YouTube "Young Folks" and you'll remember this single from 2008. I remember buying this album because of this one song, and after the first listen I thought "wow I like weird shit". Although this was not their first album, it is certainly my favorite from this particular band. Every single song flows into the next and every single song is weird as fuck. Not like...techno weird but like...folk singers on crack weird. Although "Young Folks" is very good, the track before it, "Objects of My Affection" is my favorite. This album makes you want to spin around in circles and just bop your head along with the music.

7. In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 by Coheed and Cambria

With lyrics such as "cut the throats of babies", this album is the darkest of my top ten. This band tends to mix a unique blend of incredibly dark lyrics with the beautiful sounds of stringed instruments in the background. They had two singles off this album that year entitled "A Favor House Atlantic" and "Blood Red Summer" which those of you who used to frequent FUSE TV like I did in 2003 will remember. Since then, Coheed has had several other excellent albums but because this one was my introduction to harder/darker rock music, this has to my favorite Coheed album. The fact that I was listening to this band when I was 13 is probably a big reason why I enjoy serial killer movies/shows/books nine years later. Oddly enough, nowadays I really only listen to this album when I am in an exceptionally good mood. I don't even want to think about what that says about me.

8. Antics by Interpol

This one I can't really explain. It's good. And sexual. And is the perfect go-to album for any kind of human emotion. I don't know anyone who has heard this album and walked away thinking "well, that sucked".  

5. Give Up by The Postal Service 

This album brings up too many memories to recount here. For years I have wished and hoped that The Postal Service would get back together knowing full well that my wish will never come true. I would kill to have seen them live during their one and only album tour. The Postal Service was a collaboration between Death Cab For Cutie's frontman Ben Gibbard and electro-pop artist Jimmy Tamborello of Dntel. Jenny Lewis of Rilo Kiley would provide background vocals making this musical trifecta complete. This album will make you sleepy, happy, and sad all at the same time. Most people will recognize songs such as "Such Great Heights" and "The District Sleeps Alone Tonight" but truth be told all of them are fantastic songs. There is not one song on the album that is better than another and the best way to listen to it is straight through from beginning to end. The final track on the album get a lot of flack because most of it is instrumental but the lyrics to "Natural Anthem" are way too poetic to be overlooked. 

4. Transatlanticism by Death Cab For Cutie

Finally I have reached my favorite band. I don't want to go on a rant about what comes to mind when people  who only know them from 2005 to the present ("Soul Meets Body" will always be a terrible song. Always.) but their earlier albums should really be more acknowledged than they are. Transatlanticism is beautiful from beginning to end. From the time that I purchased the album, I have made it a point to listen to it every New Year's Day due to the opening track "The New Year" and the fresh start that it brings to mind. You have never heard anything more hauntingly beautiful than track 7, "Transatlanticism" live on stage. Everything about this album is transcendent and just...wow. 

3. Deja Entendu Brand New

Every indie music enthusiast I know can recite lyrics to "The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows" line by line and straight from memory. Not one song on this album is bad and it's an album that everyone can identify with. The lyrics are powerful and great to listen to if you're in a bad mood. This album never gets old and is one of the few that I can listen to over and over and over. I'm pretty sure that after I was given this album as a gift, it was the only CD that I kept in my truck for about 6 months. Actually I'm pretty sure that it's in my CD player right now. 

2. The Photo Album by Death Cab For Cutie

Another album by my favorite band. The Photo Album will always be y favorite Death Cab album because it's so...raw. High school was the beginning of my interest in music other than Blink 182 and shit-tier bands that I don't even want to admit that I liked. Although this was not my first Death Cab album, it is still my favorite. There are some albums that make you feel like you're the only one who can relate and for me, this is that album.  

1.  Is This It by The Strokes

My close friends (except for Scraps) just shit themselves because my all time favorite album is not a Death Cab album. As most people (Sarah) have gathered, I party a lot. Every time I'm getting ready for a party or some other hyped up event, this is the album that I listen to. Is This It is home to the very popular singles "Someday" and "Last Night" but the album is so much more than that. Every song is upbeat and makes you all psyched to go out for a night of fun with your friends. It makes you gyrate and hop up and down with excitement for whatever it is that comes to mind when you listen to the album. The Strokes are one of my favorite bands and this album will always be something that I hold to the highest esteem. I dare any album by any artist to try and compete with this one. 

I realize that the 3 of my top 5  involve Benjamin Gibbard. Yes, I'm biased. No, I don't give two shits what you think about the band. Gibbard is a god among men.

Yes, I know that I never did my top albums of 2012. It's sitting halfway written in my drafts box, I just can't force myself to finish it just yet. It may or may not happen, but we'll see what happens. If you (Sarah is my only reader) are super curious about it, then I'll post it.

That's it for my first Top Ten (eleven) Thursday. Next week will be something that's not about music. And hopefully on Thursday. I'm going to go get in the shower and listen to The Strokes now. 


Life At Sea Continued

Ok here's part two of my vacation. 

Day 8
-We're on the island of Kauai today. No one in my family has an actual plan for what they want to do.
-This tourguide laughs too much at his own jokes. 
-Waterfaaaaaall. I have a mix of the Jurassic Park and Indiana Jones theme songs running through my head
-Peaceful island with no nightlife? The bars close at midnight? Super low crime rates? Yup this is not the island for me.
-Banana Nut Crunch should never be made into a coffee flavor
-Some Spanish speaking people on the bus keep trying to take everyones seats and started talking crap on my Aunt Des in Spanish. She replied back in Spanish and the girl just about shit her pants. If my mom was on the bus it would be an all out brawl. We're Los Angeles Mexicans---we don't play.
-Ok you survived a hurricane in 1992 we get it now shut up 
-There are so many damn chickens on this island
-Jurassic Park!!!! That's the mountain!!!! I'd know this vantage point from anywhere!!!!
-Indiana Jones!!!! The beginning of the movie with the sea plane in the water!!! 
-A random cave in the side of the mountain!!!
Everyone I'm with is falling asleep because this guy is so boring...
-We should've just roamed about the town all day...
-Real Hawaiian shaved ice is a snack among gods. Shaved ice at home will never be the same.
-Naturally, we've ended up at a Mexican restaraunt. Beer time bonding with Dad.
-Scratch that. Beergarita time with Dad. This is the only way that I can get him to drink tequila with me.
-That's the first time someone has questioned my ID and try to deny me a drink. Apparently illegal Mexicans come to Hawaii to open up shitty Mexican restaraunts.
-Rest of the family joins for a drink, shitty quesadillas, and booger-like store bought guacamole
-I'm 90% that this black lady is a dude.
-The stupid metal detector went off on the way back to the ship. Time to get frisked by the port authority lady. 
-Pre-dinner drink with Dad? Pre-dinner drink with Dad.
-Everyone stresses to get ready for dinner an hour before. I read until 5:15 then throw on a different shirt and head down to the dining room by 5:30. BAM simplicity.
-The ending of this movie always pisses me off. But I still dig it.
-First night so far that I've actually gotten tired early. It's only 10:20
-Almost fell into the shower while trying to put on my really oversized pj pants. Now my pj pants are wet and huge.
-Fuck now I can't sleep because the boat keeps rocking.

Day 9
-Me: hahahaha
Aunt Linda: what?
Me: A city bus ran into sinkhole in Oceanside
Aunt Linda: Where is Oceanside?
Me: About a half hour from San Diego
Aunt Linda: The bus was in Palos Verdes?
Me: No. In Oceanside.
-Breakfast today consists of 5 different types of eggs, some bacon, a hashbrown, and fruit. I feel like a friend of mine before he joined the Army. We'd go to Denny's and he'd eat eight plates of different styled eggs.
-Oh god we're not even off the boat yet and our family is fighting with old people who can't follow directions. We're Mexican people, we have a big family. Deal with it and get behind us.
-Another day, another tour bus filled with old people.
-Ohhhh a sharktoothed knife battle thingy. It looks like a paddle and tied around it are sharp shark teeth. I need one of these.
-Oooh a mountain! With a jungle! I want to explore it!
-My father does not understand why I want to walk into the forbidden zone. I know the sign says "don't go beyond this point" but I need to know what's back there in the woods.
-This looks like the bridge/mountainy pass area from the 2011 film Cabin in the Woods.
-Pearl Harbor. All I can think of is the word AMERICA. And Kate.
-I wish we had more time here. I wanted to go on the submarine. Sadface emoticon.
-We're at Hilo Hatties. My dad has been calling it "Hello Hotties" for this whole trip.
-I really need to stop buying shot glasses. 
-We're on this bus heading to Waikiki. No one knows if we're getting off yet. As a group, a decision has not been made.
-Nope. We're just riding in circles.
-Please don't start a fight on the bus family please don't start a fight on the bus
-Shopping shopping shopping. I just want a beer.
-SUNGLASSES! I WOULD find them at the end of the trip. Typical.
-Sitting on the deck with everyone just watching George Michael on the big screen. That's normal.
-"Manuel, why are you trying to kill your mother via elevator doors?"
-Me: a Coors Light and a Dos Equis please
Guy: *brings me a bottle, a can, and a cup of ice*
Me: Ummmm can you dump the ice out? Ice doesn't typically go with beer.
-Dad's using a rail as a shelf to hold up his empty beer can. It's not working so well.
-Dad: you know I just want to have a day where we start out drinking slowly and throughout the day just keep drinking and drinking until we can't drink no more.
Me: I feel a challenge coming on.
Dad: First to get drunk loses?
Me: Challenge accepted. Tomorrow?
Dad: Probably
-I'm pretty sure that everyone in the buffet hates us. We've been laughing and arguing for 10 minutes.
-Me and Manuel are trying to convince Bernadette to go with us to the Skywalker Lounge Nightclub.
-SUCCESS! Three of us plus Aunt Des!
-This place has all the makings of a strip club.
-This girl dancing is hilarious. We call her Zumba. She does crazy dances and looks at herself in the window reflection. She's the only person on the dance floor. Her wardrobe for clubbing consists of workout tights and a cheap looking sparkly tank top
-Even the servers can't stop laughing at her
-They make pretty good Lynchburg Lemonades here. I'm surprised.
-Manuel and Bernadette: best dancers on the floor. People tried to join in and couldn't hang.
-Manny: Can you do the Cupid Shuffle?
Me: No. Can you shuffle? It was pretty popular over the summer
Manny: If it was over the summer then it hasn't reached Kentucky yet
-Oh god. More snoring and farting. I miss my room. 
-Oh god the boat is moving a lot again. I hate boats.

Day 10
-They just woke me up saying that it's lunchtime. It's only 10:15. Liars.
-I got out of the shower and Aunt Linda was gone. She looked like she had just gotten back from the gym...oooook then...
-We took over the lunch buffet with an array of pasta and fruit. We like to get our health on.
-Spiny fruit? What the crap? That looks dangerous.
-*One of our dinner waiters walks by* "ROCHELLE ROCHELLE!" -Bernadette
-Time to tan. And read.
-Fuuuuuuck it's windy as shit!
-Hours later I'm done with one book and have moved on to another. And now I'm about halfway to getting as dark as I was in my drivers license picture
-Dinner tiiiiime
-Everyone got 3 lobsters...
-And 2 desserts...
-"They're illusions Michael!"
-We're watching an illusionist. He's pretty good. I want to know if he's been to Hogwarts.  
-I'm 87% sure that this song is by Eiffel 65. I blame Matt and David.
-WHAT THE? Where the hades did she go?
-Bernadette watches too much reality tv and just ruined the trick for me...
-Chillin in a lounge reading. 
-This girl is good. Her name is Celine Diaz. She must take after her namesake. 
-Motown night at the nightclub and the whole family's going!
-This Lynchberg does not taste as good as it did yesterday.
-The server heard me tell me cousin that it was weak, took it to the bar and poured more whiskey in it...at least it tastes good now
-Aunt Linda...stop climbing on the railing of the dance floor to get a picture of us...
-These old Asian ladies and the black man-woman I saw a few days ago are gold. We shall call him/her: Mistersister.
-Aunt Linda is THAT crazy lady taking video and photos of everyone dancing.
-Bernie looks sad so I'm going to buy her a shot in secret.
-"I call dibs on the flannel"-Bernadette
-Oh hey now she's dancing. I am a genius.
-Stop trying to get me to dance. It'll take me a lot more whiskey to dance.
-Picture of Bernadette and Zumba dancing. Mission, accomplished.
-We're watching Zumba talk to Single Guy at the bar.
-MOTHER FUCKING GANGNAM STYLE! I knew I shouldn't have told Manny that I knew how to do it.
-Oh god I'm dying. I was not prepared for that. Can't breathe...too much booze on this cruise...I usually drink more water than booze in general but I've had two-five drinks a day since we left San Pedro...I'm not properly hydrated for this...
-Zumba and Single Guy have vacated. I hope they have protection
-Me and Manuel requested "Sandstorm." It's time to party.
-Oh god calf cramp calf cramp
-Water and keep it coming
-"I'm pretty sure he's gay. Someone said hi to him and he was like 'oh heeeeeey!' "---Bernadette about flannel guy
-I'm lying in bed and my calf is still tight. Tomorrow: I drink nothing but water. In between my alcohol of course.

Day 11
-87% sure that I pulled a muscle. Because my calf still hurts. I can't win on this cruise.
-Zumba is at lunch at the table next to us! She has what looks like a hickey on her neck. We think she left the club with Single Guy last night.
-We're following her to the sushi bar to investigate. And because we want sushi.
-It's a burn mark not a hickey. Abort mission repeat abort mission!
-Attempting to tan and read but there's so much wind. Almost lose my book whilst holding it.
-Move to top deck. Some people are ice carving. BALD DUDE MOVE OUT OF THE WAY
-Zumba is sitting next to us on the barstools overlooking the pool. Act. Natural.
-Buy drink of the day for me and madre
-Me: Try it
Bernadette: It has blue it has blue!
Me: Oh you'll be ok
B: *Sips* All I taste is blue.
Me: Because all you sucked up was blue from the bottom. Look at the straw.
-She's participating in the pool games!
-Helping Bernadette with her sock-bun hairstyle is a 3 person job.
-Finished with drink. Place empty cup outside the persons door opposite Bernie and Manny's room.
-Back up top: We watch Zumba do some ridiculous dance moves in the pool.
-Zumba's team lost. Her real name: Andra? Andrea? Abetha?
-Zumba why are you flipping into the pool?
-Is that Single Guy? No, this guy's a ginger
-Zumba left her keycard in her bathingsuit during the games and now she's lost it. Brilliant.
-"Zumba please fix your butt"---Bernadette
-She found the keycard and came out of the water holding it up in the air like "TA-DA!!" Zumba no one's watching you. Except for us.
-Zumba why are you wearing a towel like a cape? Oooh flirt with that guy!
-Sharing a bucket of beer with dad
-"Where's Aunt Linda?" "Over there looking for whales"
-Me and Bernie just got iced coffee. And I also have a beer in hand. And I also might've gotten a shot of Kaluha in my coffee.
-B: On new years eve let's sleep in, get coffee before lunch, coffee after lunch, coffee before and after dinner, and coffee before we party so we can stay up all night.
-So this interaction with sudoku, an elevator, and my right foot on our way back up to the sundeck kind of went like this: 
B: Oooh is the library on this floor?
Me: Yeah
B: Let me get today's puzzle for my dad!
Me: The elevator's open!
B: Hold it hold it!
*Doors start to close and the people inside are looking at me struggle with a book, a beer, and spiked coffee in my hand* 
*Stick my right foot in between the doors just as they are about to close. Quickly take my foot out when I realize that those doors aren't stopping.*
*B sticks her hand in the doors*
*Door opens. We step inside.*
Me: *Casually* How're you people doing today?
-Top deck we're making up our own storyline to "The Artist"
-Name the dog in the movie Abner
-Dinner time. Our headwaiter Paula told us that we're her favorite people. 
-Get yelled at by handicapped woman for being in the handicapped bathroom. Run out the door.
-Get lost on the way back to the dining room.
-Family shots of lemon cello in shot glasses that we can keep. Aunt Linda ordered two. Oh god. This is happening.
-Rochelle keeps pouring us shots. I don't think he's supposed to do that...
-"I think he just asked me to marry him...did anyone else hear that?"-Bernadette
-"I got lemon cello sorbet because I wanted to have lemon cello like everyone else..."-Manny is only 20
Aunt Linda: I'm not I swear! I'm just letting him have the shot glass!
Paula: I could go to jail!
Aunt Linda: We'd send you chocolate and cigarretts to barter with
-By the end of dinner Bernadette has acquired Rochelle's Facebook email and Paula said we'd get hers at the end of the trip
-This comedy show is not that funny. I can't laugh at pot jokes with my parents sitting behind me.
-Time to go to the British show. I'm pretty sure that girl said the next one started at 9:45
-We're sitting in the last half of the first show. I know all the songs but the singers don't impress me.
-Go downstairs to get a coffee
-Run into dad. He wants me to get mom a soda.
-This bartender does awesome bartending tricks! He thinks it's funny that I'm so in awe of his awesome tricks
-Find family in the casino. Tell them about the bartender. Half of us go downstairs so they can see him.
-Pitstop at the cafe. "I'm not even hungry. I just want to see how these snacks taste. Can I get this sandwich and a tiramissu?"-Aunt Linda
-Bartender does awesome tricks with ice and soda. We're making him nervous because we're a big group so he messes up a little.
-Bartender: order a real drink
Bernadette: Katie order a real drink! 
Me: pick something and I'll drink it.
B: what do you usually drink?
Me: alcohol.
B: I don't know you pick!
-He makes a killer Washington Apple using his awesome tricks
-Everyone is having their own conversations at different parts of the room. Bernie and I are swapping drunk/hangover stories. 
-It's been determined that the puking thing is a family trait. Sooo it's not just me, everyone.
-First re-con: Zumba's not here but Single Guy is
-We pretend to dance in our seats while we sleuth
-The Asians are back. They are now known as The Wu-Tang Clan.
-Bernadette: The Klu Klux Clan has a male friend now!
Me and Manny: What? Klu Klux Clan?
B: *points* 
Me and Manny: WU-TANG!
-We notice a creepy guy sitting in the corner
-We've lost sight of Single Guy!
-Manny: I was hoping he was in the bathroom so I stood there for an extra 5 minutes.
Bernie: What would you have said to him if he came out?
Manny: 'Hey so who's that Andra girl you were with last night? She's cute'
-We give up. We think she's on to us. Tomorrow is another day. Bed time.

Day 12
-Had a weird dream involving 2 black kids, a McChicken sandwich and some zombies in Los Alamitos.
-Everyone keeps calling me to try and get me to watch Dirty Dancing. 1) I hate that movie 2) Just let me keep sleeping
-I don't want to give the steward my laundry. I don't want weird Asian men touching my underthings. They can have a pair of jeans, a pair of socks and a tshirt.
-Everyone keeps bugging me today. Just go get food without me I don't need a fucking babysitter. I'll meet you there when I meet you there.
-We have officially formed a Rochelle fanclub
-Overall fairly boring day. Manuel and I went to see Moonrise Kingdom. None of the old people in our theater understood it. 
-Bernadette: I ran into single guy! He said hi to me!
Manny: That means tonight you have to use your charms and get the info!
Me: Yeah what's wrong with you?!?
B: Shut. Up. Then I ran into Zumba coming out of the elevator.
Us: Did you say anything to her?
B: 'Excuse me' and she said 'Oh it's ok'
Me: Did you ask her for her Facebook info? 
B: No. 'Hey I see you all the time can we be bffs?'
-AMY WINEHOUSE! hahahahaha she was coming out of the elevator and Aunt Des started pointing her out then stopped and started laughing. So much for secrecy.
-I came back to the room to read. I now have about 40 pages of The Hobbit left which I'll finish tonight.
-I was the first one at dinner. For like 15 minutes.
-My mom and dad keep asking me what's wrong. Truth be told, the closer we get to LA the more anxious I am to get home.
-We're seeing a hypnotist. That's cool.
-We're waiting for the magical bartender to arrive
-He said 9 and it's 910! Where is he?!?
-He's here! He's showing us tricks! His name is Allan
-I have mastered the cork trick. Bernadette's hands are too small.
-Time to go to the club. The hunt for Zumba continues.
-The gangs all here! Zumba, The Wu Tang Clan, MisterSister...we're only missing Single Guy
-We have so many photos of Zumba now. The photo stalking thing is a family trait.
-He's here! 
-Ooop Zumba has a friend
-She walked passed him and he looked down like 'ummm i don't know you'
-DJ Pedro likes us and invited us to his party tomorrow. Nbd.
-MisterSister is down for the count and riding the elevator down with us
-My cousins want me to dance with them tomorrow. Apparently we're going to have a routine and everything. Ugh this is going to call for a whole lot of tequila.
-My legs are so white in comparison to the rest of my body now.

Day 13
-Stop waking me up. I'll get up when I want to get up. We're not doing anything but eating. I'll be satisfied with a piece of shitty pizza.
-Everyone freaks out when I don't answer the phone. I'm in the shower leave me alone.
-We had to sit on a different side of the boat because our side was full. Everytime we saw a server from our usual side they said they missed us.
-Aunt Des snuck up behind me and snatched the pasta spoon from my hand. I threw my bows back before I realized who it was.
-Ice cream after lunch? I think yes!
-We have decided to go play the quarter crane machine in the casino. Debating whether or not to get cash out and play video poker.
-We're playing a Wheel of Fortune game. Bernadette's anxiety goes waaaay up when we win haha
-Aunt Linda keeps using her foot to press the 'place bet button'
-Oh god now it's her knee
-I wish I was not seriously witnessing her make kissy noises and kind of make out with this machine.
-Oh god now she's crouching on the stool and using her butt to press the button. Manny got it on video. I'll have him send it to me so I can show you guys how 100% serious I am.
-Reading and listening to Deadmau5 to pump me up until it's time to get ready for dinner
-Aunt Linda: we're supposed to be leaving in 12 minutes.
Me: *Gets ready in 3 minutes.* Ok I'm going to go hang out in Bernie and Manuel's room until we leave.
-Going down with the parents. It's formal night so we were supposed to be ready by 5 for photos. It's 5:15 and no one is ready. Dinner is at 5:30.
-We're always the rowdiest people in the dining room.
-A table full of people got sick and left. Now hazmat guys are cleaning up the mess. What?
-We realize that the Wu Tang Clan is sitting next to them. We think this was a conspiracy.
-Over dinner Manuel, Bernadette and I have agreed on the evenings plans. NYE Plan A: we stand in the Piazza and watch the balloons drop. Then get the champagne we had sent to our rooms and go to Skywalkers Nightclub to drink and dance the night away. NYE Plan B: if we can't find a spot in the Piazza, we head straight to Skywalkers and celebrate there
-Picture time
-Piazza's full. To Skywalkers we go!
-We're the first people here. It's 8:30 and the party in here doesn't start until 10.
-Everyone: Katie, you promised us dancing
Me: Let's be real, I'm going to need a few drinks first.
-Me, Dad and Bernie go down to the nearest bar to get 6 drinks of the day. This guy poured an extra shot in each drink for us for free. Where was he this whole time?!?
- I drank 2 and dad drank 2.
-I do not like pinapple wine
-I'm being judged for my knowledge of Gaga. GAGAAAAAAAAA
-I have gotten a Desperado. Shot and a half of tequila, a dash of lime juice, the rest is Dos Equis. 
-Desperado #2. Only because the bartender didn't know how to make an Adios. I need one when I get home. A good one.
-Oh god. Gangnam Style.
-A half hour later, we've come back to the parents because it's time for the countdown!
-Back to dancing.
-Oh god it's roughly 2:30 am and we just got back. Dad's drunk. He promised that tomorrow we're both getting wasted. Bernie taught him the macarena. Everyone is shocked I kept up with Manuel and his smooth moves longer than Bernie could. Manuel and I had to prevent Bernadette from throwing a punch at this dude on the dancefloor. I'm 5'7 and Manuel is well over 6ft. Once that guy saw that the two of us were holding that tiny 5'3ish girl back he backed off. She can get crazy.
-I'm going to take a shower and read. I'm going to be so sore in the morning.

Day 14
-After dinner: Bernie dropped a mint, Dad bent down to pick it up and fell over. We laughed. He got up, dropped his glasses, bent down and fell into a wall.
-It's currently 9:24pm. It's been a boring day. I woke up, went to breakfast, came back, went to sleep through lunch, watched as the boat pulled into the motherland, got attacked by some seagulls, bought some pictures, ate some ice cream, dinner, packed, now I'm reading until we go to the club for DJ Pedro's farewell party. I slept all day in anticipation of tomorrows homecoming. I am so happy to finally sleep in a room alone without snoring or smelling night farts.
-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is the best! Manuel and Bernadette are teaching Dad to Wobble and Cupid Shuffle. I used Manuel's camera and recorded the whole thing.
-Bernie and I sneak three glasses out of the club. I took one last night too. We like their bubbly bottoms so we're keeping them. 

Isn't that better? Much more laughter and cheerfulness. Although I spent a lot of my trip sulking, stalking, and reading, I came up with a new segment that I know at least Sarah will enjoy. I need to pick a day to start it. Maybe tomorrow. We'll see how things go. Toodles.