
Top Ten Thursday: The Wonder Pets

Welcome to another addition of Top Ten Thursday. I'm going to warn you right now: there's a good chance that you will have absolutely no idea what I am talking about. You probably read the title and thought "Wonder Pets? What the fuck is that?" But don't worry, I'll give you a little back-story before I really dive into this one.

A few weeks ago, after a night of heavy drinking and horror movies, I found myself sitting in the living room of my friends' apartment. The eight of us were in debate on what to watch, searching through Netflix looking for a movie or show that we could all agree on. Somehow, we ended up looking through the 'children and family' genre. As we flipped through the kids movies, we found a show called The Wonder Pets. All of us thought the premise sounded ridiculous, so naturally we decided to watch an episode. We had no idea that The Wonder Pets would become something we would watch all the time.

In a nutshell, The Wonder Pets is about three schoolhouse pets who are secretly pet superheroes after school is out. Together, Lenny the Guinea pig, Tuck the Turtle, and Ming-Ming the duckling (and only girl) work together to save baby life forms (mostly animals, but in one episode they save a tree in New York) and at the end of each episode they share a piece of celery. The Wonder Pets show tiny children, as well as hungover pseudo-adults, the importance of friendship and teamwork. Oh, and did I mention that they sing while they save creatures? They do.

Sound ridiculous? It is. We have no business watching this show geared toward two year old kids, but we watch it anyway. Now, for the top ten reasons why I like this show.

10. They save baby things.

I am not generally a fan of tiny baby things. Their size usually freaks me out. I am also not a fan of animals (except for puppies because they're awesome). I'm a freak. However this is a show about baby animals wearing capes who save other baby animals. Now that is adorable.

9. They saved a unicorn and a dinosaur.

I fucking love unicorns and dinosaurs.

8. It's the one show that all ten (or so) of us who go to that apartment can agree on.

You try getting ten pseudo-adults in a room and see if they all have the same taste in movies and TV shows. Most of our nights end in a debate whether or not we want to watch Paranormal Activity or Nashville (hint: Nashville never wins). It's the one show that once someone says "Wonder Pets?" we all go "YEAAAAAAAH!" and sit around the TV to see what they're going to save this time.

7. How did the animal get into that situation? 

Some of the situations they get into are ridiculous. How the hell does a unicorn get it's horn stuck in a tree? It looked like it rammed it head on then afterward thought "Oh fuck, why did I do that?" Then their resolution was to unscrew her from the tree like a screwdriver? Yeah. Think about that one.

6. Watch one episode and you know the lyrics to 90% of the songs

It's true. Then it gets stuck in your head for three days. "Wonder Pets! Wonder Pets we're on our way!"

"The phone. The phone is ringing."

5. Even imaginary and extinct animals get saved

Unicorns and dinosaurs. Nuff said.

4. Fucking Ming-Ming.

No one likes Ming-Ming. She's a bitch who thinks that she can do everything herself but in reality all she does is say "THIS IS SEWIOUS!" and pretends to do something. In the first episode ("The Wonder Pets Save the Dolphin"), Ming-Ming says "I'll cut the net all by myself! Oh, you guys can help too I guess..." then when she jumps in the water to save the dolphin, she doesn't do anything! She's a bitch. Shut up Ming-Ming.

3. Tuck the Turtle

Tuck is awesome. He has running shoes that make him go fast and he wears a sailor hat. A turtle wearing running shoes and a sailor hat? Adorable. Lenny is the brains of the group, Tuck is the brawn and Ming-Ming is a waster of space. Tuck is the shit. And he loves everything---in almost every episode he ends up hugging the baby life form after it has been saved. How can you not love Tuck?

2. Fact: Tuck secretly hates Ming-Ming

In the Christmas episode, Ming-Ming breaks Tuck's present then just goes. "Oops, sorry. Now I can open my present!" Fuck you Ming-Ming. Tuck kind of alludes to his dislike of Ming-Ming in the episode "The Wonder Pets Save the Duckling". In this episode, Ming-Ming tries to save a squirrel by herself, fails because the squirrel is fine, gets stuck in some tree sap, and falls on the roof. She can't fly because her wings are stuck to her sides. Lenny and Tuck are getting ready to save her and they pretty much prove that they could be heroes without Ming-Ming. They don't really need her. At one point during the episode, Tuck says something along the lines of "Isn't it better when it's just the two of us Lenny?" It is Tuck. It is.

1. Neglectful Parenting

It never fails---at the end of almost every episode, the parents of the baby animals are standing off to the side and just go "Oh, thanks Wonder Pets!" 
Really? You know that your child is stuck in a dangerous situation and you just let it stay there? You don't make any attempt to help or call for help? No. You just wait for other baby animals to come and fix it for you. And The Wonder Pets don't even question it. They just say "You're welcome. Now let's eat celery." Way to go, parents.

Even if you're not a child (I hope children don't read this. I use a lot of vulgar language), I suggest that you watch The Wonder Pets. This show is awesome.  So watch it, make fun of Ming-Ming, love Tuck, and eat some celery.

Also, I might be five years old.


Top Ten Thursday: 'Arry Potta'

Ok so I know that it's Friday. But I wrote most of this in a class on Thursday and took way too long of a nap Thursday afternoon. Then I started reading and didn't stop until around 4 am.

Now I'm at my friends house and remembered that I didn't post and I'm waiting for him to get ready so we can go out so here we go.  It's short because I'm in a hurry to go drink. Sue me. I'm thirsty.

Today's Top Ten Thursday is going to be about something near to my heart.
Harry Potter.

Earlier this week, I started re-reading the series and I realized something that I hope won't ruin the rest of it for me: a lot of the details surrounding Harry's protection are shady. Why would you leave the most important baby in the wizarding world on a doorstep in the middle of the night? What if a bum walking by saw the bundle and stole him? That's child abandonment right there!

There are a few other examples of these types of instances but that is not the point of this TTT.
Today we're going to talk about the top ten reasons why Harry Potter books are awesome.

10.  No matter at what age you pick up the book, you're transported to a magical world. It's a much more realistic approach to a fantasy world but at the same time it's completely full of wonder and imagination. I remember reading it for the first time and wishing that I could try a Chocolate Frog or play Quidditch. Harry Potter is a series that anyone of any age can pick up and enjoy. There's action and romance and an overwhelming sense of "what the fuck?"

9. Harry Potter books not only favor magic, but logic as well. Throughout the series, the characters have to use their brains far more often than they have to use magic. They take the time to figure things out and work together to get out of sticky situations.

8. I love Ron Weasley.

7. Even when I re-read the books, I am still entranced by what I'm reading.

6. The movies were different but good on their own. Except for the third one. That shit was terrible.

5. I will never not read them. It's a thing. Every couple of years I have to re-read it.

4. Fred and George Weasley are hilarious. They provide the comedic relief for the entire series. They know more than they let on, but they use their comedy to lighten the darkness of what's going on.

3.The overarching idea of the series is about the value of friendship. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are always together. No matter what happens, the three of them are always together.

2. Snape turned out to be kind of a stalker. I dig it. The love story behind Snape and Lily unnerving. Even after her death, he

1. Your ability to connect any one of your friends to a character in the story. My friend AJ and I have spent the last few days assigning different characters to people within our circle of friends. For example, we have determined that I am Ginny. The characters don't have to be primary, they can be secondary characters as well. Our friend Meg is really into cats so we've marked her as Mrs. Figg.

I have to go now. People are getting fussy. I have an idea for another post so check back in the next few days.


TTT: V-Day Edition

John Stewart once said "Happy Valentine's Day! And this is news to you, my guess is you're probably alone. Valentine's Day is often times, well, it's a manufactured holiday that doesn't mean anything."

For days I have been combing the internet for a good 'singles awareness day' quote. I've never quite been able to put into words how I feel about this false holiday but John Stewart pretty much said it all.

I've always been fairly indifferent to February 14 because in reality it's just another day. The last few years I've just hung out with friends, watching movies and getting into shenanigans like any other Thursday night. The only thing that I've found really beneficial about Valentine's Day are the movies that come out. Even movies that have nothing to do about Valentine's Day remind me of Valentine's Day. Specifically, the RomComs.

I think by now you have realized how diverse my movie tastes are so it shouldn't surprise you that in recent years, I have grown an appreciation for the RomCom. Most people who are into RomComs are either in relationships already or they want to be in relationships in the near future. Or they live in fairytalemakebelieveland. I fall into zero of these catagories. Granted, my idea of a RomCom is very different from most others but if it makes me laugh and there's some weird stalker or violent crime element involved and two people live together in the end, I classify it as a RomCom. Even if they don't live together in the end, if I find something funny about it, it's a RomCom.

So without further ado, here is this week's Top Ten Thursday: V-Day Movie Edition.


#10:  He's Just Not That Into You

This is one of the more surprising ones. I didn't think that I was actually going to like it when I saw it, but I did. It was surprisingly funny and I thought it brought up a lot of good points that men and women don't understand about each other. The main character is one of the girls who lives in fairytalemakebelieveland and it takes a bartender played by Justin Long to snap her out of it. If you're sane, she'll make you want to punch her in the face for being so desperate and ridiculous. Now that I'm writing about it, I'm starting to forget why I picked this one. Bradley Cooper's in it. That's a plus.

#9: Adventureland

I don't know anyone who liked this movie except for me. It had its funny moments but I liked the coming of age meaning involved. Kristen Stewart is in it but she doesn't talk too much and makes the same facial expression throughout the movie so I got a kick out of making fun of her. The music is good and Ryan Reynolds is in it so naturally, it appeals to me.

#8: Definitely, Maybe

This is another typical RomCom. It has a variety of decent actors and it's fairly funny. Ryan Reynolds is in it.  Priorities. 

#7: When Harry Met Sally

Nora Ephron is highly underrated as a screenwriter. The witty dialogue between Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan makes the movie pretty brilliant. Although this is another one of the more RomCommy RomComs, it's a film that just about everyone should see. Behind all the romantic intentions the movie presents, the interactions that Harry and Sally have with one another over the years are very comical and can be seen as such even in a non-romantic perspective.

#6: Atonement

This is one of my favorite movies of all time and the only somber film on this list. There's a two part perspective of a very awkward library sex scene, which I love (naturally). War and anger and James Mcavoy. And there's possibly my least favorite character in a film, Briony (pronounced Bry-Knee). Every single time I watch a movie with Saoirse Ronan, I say the name Briony in a menacing tone. Totally ruined the actress for me. It's a film of love and loss and miscommunication. The end of the movie is probably one of the saddest realizations I've seen on film. This movie isn't very RomCommy, but it still reminds me of Valentines Day.
#5: Mean Girls

I can't have a RomCom list without the most quotable movie of my generation. "Stop trying to make 'fetch' happen." "Wanna do something fun? Wanna go to Taco Bell?" "YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US!" "Do you need someone to butter your muffin?" "If you're from Africa, then why are you white?" "I WANT MY PINK SHIRT BACK!"

If you haven't seen the one really good Lindsey Lohan movie, then what the hell are you doing with your life?

#4: Crazy, Stupid, Love

I was surprised at how much I loved this movie. I shouldn't have been all that surprised because it has a slew of great actors such as Steve Carell, Emma Stone, and Ryan Gosling's abs (Priorities people. Priorities). Oh, and Kevin Bacon too. 

This movie is just genuinely funny. There's a mix-up, a 13 year old's first love, a scandalous affair, and a nerdy girl makes 'sexy' photos for Steve Carell. 

#3: Cruel Intentions

I'm trying really hard not to just 

A) type out quotes from this movie 


B) type out "hahahahahaha"

because this movie is the shit. It's supposed to be the super scandalous drama about sexcapades and blackmail but for me it's hilarious. Selma Blair is insanely stupid and Ryan Phillipe is insanely hot. There's a secret society and cocaine. "It's like an explosion...but a good one."

And if you like this one, check out the second one. Not as funny but still highly entertaining. 

Stay away from the third one though. Shit gets weird.

#2: Garden State

Another one of the more somber films on today's list. This sort-of-RomCom has a very dry sense of humor. Although I have heard that Zach Braff is an asshole in person, his directorial debut will always be one of my favorites. Both Braff and Natalie Portman really dive into their characters and have excellent chemistry. This movie is about a weird little town in New Jersey with weird people in it. It shows what it's like to really be stuck in life yet you can still find people to identify with. This movie has been one of my 'go-to's' for years and I don't think I can ever get tired of watching it.
#1: Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

Hypothetical scenario: You have the privileged of watching a movie with me and my best friend and we pick Nick and Norah. Your answer should always be "No." You don't want to watch this movie with us because we quote Every. Single. Line. I went through a phase where I would stay up all night studying for finals and just have this movie on repeat. I love this movie too much for words. This is probably Michael Cera at his peak but I don't care. I have the movie poster on my wall. The soundtrack is fantastic. I think I might have an obsession. The movie is about an epic New York adventure in search for a band's secret show. It's the one thing I want to do before I die. I want to go on an all night hunt in search of a good band. Jesus and pants-less altar-boys are involved. It's a good time.

So yeah, that's my list of good V-Day/RomCom movies. Before I take off for the day, I'd like to make a few honorable mentions that you should check out. If you're bored tonight and want a good movie to watch either alone or with a loved one, I suggest watching any of the movies I've mentioned in today's post. Some of them are only funny due to sheer ridiculousness of situation and character.
- Swimfan
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
- Anchorman
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
- Tiny Furniture 
-  Pulp Fiction

I had a lot more in mind but I'm at school and they're all sitting in my chair at home. I'm pretty hungry so my brain isn't functioning at 100% at the moment. 

In case you're wondering what I'm actually doing tonight, I'll tell you just for shits and giggles. 

Right now the plan is to drink a bottle of wine and watch either Fight Club or Top Gun with my best friend via phone call because we have super exciting love lives.  

That's it. I'm done. I'm hungry. So have a good Valentine's Day. Hopefully you'll get some action. Lord knows I won't. 


Top Ten Thursday: Shows that I Wish Were Still On Air

Netflix is probably my favorite entertainment source right now. Why? Old tv shows. Although there are several decent shows on our television sets today, there are many that I miss. With the power of Netflix, I am able to watch older shows from my teenage years and even younger (Rugrats anyone?). The newer shows just aren't as good, whether it be mystery or animation or comedy or teen drama---none can compare to some of the shows on TV in the past. I had a hard time coming up with just ten shows that I wish were still on air, but I think that these are my ten most missed shows.Some of them are on Netflix and some of them are not, but you can stream all of them if you know how to work the interwebz.

#10: Smallville

I am not a huge Superman fan, but I can appreciate the struggles he went through. I enjoyed watching young Clark Kent grow up and I'm glad that thus far there has not been a movie to compare it to. I have to admit that I did not watch it all the way through, but I was still sad to see it end. I would like to watch it from the beginning and try to get through it at some point (move it along, Netflix) but until then I will always remember the show up until when Lana marries Lex. I sincerely hope that Henry Cavill does a good job in Man of Steel this year because Tom Welling is a hard Superman to beat. Also, that show was riddled with hot men.

#9: Veronica Mars

I am super into detective shows as well as teen trashy dramas. This show was both. It had great music and Veronica's witty sarcasm made the show. It was highly entertaining and every week the episodes left you feeling satisfied yet curious about what would happen next.

#8: Scrubs

Words can't describe how much I love this show. It was hilarious with splashes of drama in the background---way different than most medical shows. I wish there were more doctors around like the whiskey drinking  Dr. Cox. JD &Turk forever.

#7: Batman Beyond

This animated show did not derive from the comics (eventually there was a comic series about it. Pretty good too.) yet it still held true to the Batman name, and not because Bruce was in it. His protege, Terry, is a great replacement from Bruce's version of Batman. He maintains the surly, domineering feeling that criminals get from the symbol yet he still makes Batman his own character. he's not broody like Bruce, he's just young and fearless and sarcastic. It was cool and futuristic and it brought to light new villains that emulated features of past foes yet were still able to be completely different. 

#6: Arrested Development

Watch it. Just do it. I am just excited as the next AD fan that the show will have brand new episodes on Netflix later this year but I wish it wouldn't have ended at all. Baby Michael Cera is adorably pathetic and who doesn't love Buster's hook hand? Remember: "there's always money in the banana stand."

#5: Roswell

This sci-fi teen drama is just the type of teen trash that I absolutely love. There are aliens and the FBI and love triangles that make you scream "WHAT THE HELL?" at the tv. I wish it would've lasted longer than it did. Also, Max was my skinny boy crush. I kind of love him.

#4: The OC

"Welcome to the OC, bitch!" is pretty much how I feel every time I venture into the hell that is Orange County. My dislike of the county aside, this show is another one that I would still religiously watch today. Recently I picked up the 3rd season on DVD (sparked the idea for this post actually) and rewatched it in two days. The OC is dramatic and funny and suspenseful all at once. It was one of those shows that you cursed when the episode ended because you had to wait until next week to find out what happened. I have realized that I am the Seth Cohen to my best friend's Ryan Atwood. Although the show went downhill after Marissa died, I still wish that they would've continued showing Ryan and Taylor's development and featured baby Cohen a little more. We will always have Chrismukkah.

#3: Freaks and Geeks

Cult classic. Hilarious. Everyone can identify with any of these characters and there are so many great actors in it. Linda Cardellini, James Franco, Jason Segal, and Seth Rogan all play characters that seem to match their personalities today. This is a show that you can sit down and watch and think "this is every single high school in America" no matter what era you were born into. I was definitely one of the Freaks when I was in high school with a bit of Geek splashed in. 

#2: Batman: The Animated Series

It is no secret that I am a huge Batman fan. I read the comics as a kid and although I'm about 2 years behind, I still love all things Batman. Batman: The Animated Series is by far the best portrayal of The Dark Knight ever to be presented onscreen. This show was incredible and really true to the comics. I remember being a kid and getting up early to watch it every Saturday morning. I still have old VHS tapes (a couple DVDs too) of my favorite episodes and I remember just watching them over and over. I wish it wouldn't have ended.

#1: Gilmore Girls

I don't care what gender you are---this show was hilarious. I get a lot of crap from friends about my love of this show but I'll let you guys in on a little secret: just about everything in my life can be traced back to Gilmore Girls. One of my oldest friends grew up in a conservative Asian household and her mom always reminded me of Mrs. Kim. The Gilmore's are the best kind of dysfunctional family. The humor is in the puns and Lorali's wacky thoughts. The relationship between Rory and Lorali is something special, a relationship that will never fade. Although they are daughter and mother, the two of them truly are best friends. The Stars Hollow townsfolk are all coo-coo-bananas and you can't help but laugh at their quirks. Another perk: Rory's dad, Christopher, is hot. Dean, Logan and of course Jess are all gorgeous as well. I mean, who can say no to Milo Ventimiglia? "Oy with the poodles already."

Well, now that the world knows how much I love trashy television, I think I'll stop there. My brain hurts. I watch way too much tv. Oh well.  

8am is the Time of Evil

School. I have been waiting for this all month. I'm not a big fan of school, but having an extra month of vacation and not working has made me very anxious to get up in the morning and actually do something with my time. I meant to post this on Tuesday but I was exhausted after I got home and watched 4 hours of Doctor Who.

Monday, Feb. 6

550: Dammit the tape that makes my charger work didn't hold. Now my phone is dying. Awesome.
6: Ugh time to get up.
630: Breakfast tiiime
724: Leaving the house 20 minutes late. Shitsandwich.
744: Everyone can eat a dick. If the light is green, how about 10+ cars move forward? This isn't an amusement park ride. More than one person at a time can go forward.
754: I don't even remember the last time I had to park in the parking structure let alone the top floor
756: I'm going to be late. Shit.
805: He's starting class late. Thank Morgan Freeman.
820: C'mon people. You're 20 minutes late. He's not letting you in the class. 

822: Ugg boots and a briefcase? Epitome of classy right there.
824: I'm sitting in the back corner of the class by the door and something smacks into my chair. WENDY! SHE'S ALIVE! Please tell me she's not in this class...SCORE! I would not be able to contain myself if she was in a class with me this early in the morning.
840: See Sam sitting outside the door. Hey boo!
850: Class is done for the day. My next class isn't till 1. To the library!
857: Run into Derek Farrow and chat for a minute. I've only been here for an hour and the Kevin Bacon thing is starting.
915: Do I want to read or play Jurassic Park builder? I'll check my dinosaurs then I'll read.
940: Time to relocate to a cubicle. If I keep sitting in this comfy chair I'll knock out.
1144: Good lord I've never seen the caf this busy
1157: I'm awkwardly sitting across from this girl because this place is packed.
1215: This lady has really gross smelling fish she just microwaved. I might puke.
1249: Really? I'm standing right next to you and this hallway is crowded. No one cares how "in love" you two are. Stop making out.
1251: Haven't been in this room since my first semester here. Damn.
200: You're an hour late for a 2 hour class. Really?
230: Oop. I've started nodding off in class. Time for a By-Polar mint to keep me awake.
239: The girl next to me is asleep. I should give her a mint....nah. Let her sleep. She looks so peaceful. 

240: Realize how creepy it is that I'm watching this girl sleep.
3: Class done for the day. Tuesdays and Thursdays are going to suck. Naptime? Naptime.

I didn't end up napping. 

Oh and let me explain about the Wendy thing. She's this lady who is mentally challenged and is in a wheelchair. She wears a top hat with a sunflower in it and wheels around by using her feet, most of the time she's going backwards. Oh, and she hates me. Every time I see her she tries to run me over. I didn't see her at all last semester so I thought she had died or something, but a friend texted me and said they spotted her downtown.

I was going to do this for my second day of classes as well but to be honest it wasn't nearly as exciting. My first class is with a bunch of people I already know. We laugh and fuck around with each other. 

My night class though...that was a little more interesting. I got there ten minutes early and there weren't too many seats left so I chose one in the back by these two girls. I tried to keep to myself but they ended up talking to me. They're total nerds but not in a "ugh don't speak to me" way. Oh, and I spotted two, maybe three (still not sure if it's her)girls in this class who I know hate me due to disagreements that we've had in other classes. The fact that the teacher knows who I am doesn't help me keep a low profile earlier. Oh, and one of the nerdy girls I sat with said she's seen me around around Long Beach. She said that she had heard heard about me through people I've had English classes with. I didn't know that I've been causing such a stir among people I don't even remember or know personally. 

It's going to be an interesting semester. If you need me, I'll have my head in a book somewhere. 

Don't worry Marleen and Sarah, I'll still post a Top Ten Thursday later tonight.


Floozy Five Friday: Let's Talk About T-Swift

I skipped Top Ten Thursday. I'm sorry. I had something planned for it, made notes on my phone and everything, but it was my Dad's birthday so we spent the day out drinking at an Elvis themed Mexican restaurant in Garden Grove, then I got a call saying that we were going out for my friends Meg birthday later that night, so needless to say, I was a little busy. I can't promise that it'll never happen again, but I will try to ensure that it will never happen again. 

Today, while on our way to get sushi, my friend Mar informed me that she is a religious reader of this blog so that brings my readership up to two! Sarah, you are no longer alone! Due to this new discovery, I am dedicating today's post to you, Marleen. You helped me come up with today's topic so this post is for you. 

From looking at my appearance or listening (in your case, reading) to my opinions about music, no one would think that I am hip to the Taylor Swift. I used to be a little ashamed to admit it, but now I really don't care. I love T-Swift's music. I didn't get into it on accident, but at the same time I didn't want to like her music. A few summers ago, I was forced to listen to her music for a three month time period and it was all over after that. Since then I have obtained each and every one of her albums and have memorized just about every song (Except for the ones about babies. Those are lame). Sometimes the enjoyment of listening to Taylor Swift baffles even me, but today I am going to discuss the five reasons why I like T-Swift. 

#5: My Own Theories

Everyone has their theories as to which song is about which guy she's been with. Some of them are easier to figure out than others but I have developed a few of my own. One theory is that all of the songs on her newest album, Red, are about John Mayer. I was listening to it the other day, and every single song reminded me of her relationship with the overrated, pimptastic musician.

A second theory is that every single song is a different guy. Actually this one is mostly a fantasy but whatever. When T-Swift first gained popularity, she was this innocent little girl with a country twang who had problems with boys. Years later, that innocent image has fizzled away despite her efforts to come off that way. The media has watched her jump from a JoBro to a jailbait werewolf to John Mayer to the beautiful Jake Gyllenhaal, to cheating on a British Royal to that kid from One Direction who looks like he's 12. But what if there were guys behind the scenes? What if every single song was about a different dude? Really puts your slutty behavior into perspective doesn't it?

#4: Catchier Than A Cold

Once you hear "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", it's all you think about for the rest of your life. Every single that comes out on the radio is frighteningly catchy and even if you don't like her songs, you have to admit that you know all the lyrics. 

#3: "I Knew You Were Trouble"

This song is no ordinary T-Swift song. Upon my first listen, I heard an unexpected electronic beat drop and was very confused as to what I listening to. At first I thought that there was something wrong with the download but then I realized that's how the song was intended to sound. Not only is the song completely different from the rest, but the lyrics describe an event that everyone has or will have experienced at one point in their lives. It's that moment when you meet someone who you know is bad for you, but you just can't help yourself. I have friends who find themselves always falling for these types of guys and at times you can't really control it. T-SWIFT YOU GET MY LIFE!

#2: She has had some really hot boyfriends

Jake 'mothafuckin' Gyllenhaal. 'Nuff said.

#1: Nothing is Better to Sing When You're Drunk

I will say that out of all the songs that I like to sing drunk (:ahem: "In The Air Tonight" by Phil Collins :ahem:) T-Swift songs tend to be really good choices. Sometimes I just blast them in my truck and sing terribly to her catchy lyrics. If you've never heard me sing, get me drunk and play T-Swift. It will be a memorable experience for all of you. And I'll most likely lose my voice by morning. 

Wasn't that magical? Don't you just want to listen to "Teardrops on My Guitar" now? I know I do. Next week will be a normal Top Ten Thursday so look out for that. I start school next week so maybe I'll do another day in the life. We'll see how it goes. 

Now I'm going to go watch season 3 of The OC until it's t-shirt time. Taylor Townsend, you are a bitch. See you for Superbowl Sunday, Mar and Sarah.